Chapter 2 - New Faces

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The next morning I was jolted awake at 8:00 by a sudden loud ringing. I rubbed my eyes blearily and looked around trying to see where it was coming from. I slept surprisingly well, it's been a while since I lasted a full night with no nightmares. The girls I shared a room with used to beat me when I woke them with my screaming so I'm glad I didn't bother my new roommate.

I saw Caspar climbing slowly out of bed with his hair sticking up in every direction, I'm sure mine wasn't much better.

"What's that bell?" I asked him.

"It's the morning alarm, it wakes everyone up for breakfast."

I nodded in reply and started to get dressed. It was a Sunday so I just put on jeans and a hoodie instead of my uniform which I would wear tomorrow. Then I remembered I was meeting Noah for breakfast and I brushed my hair a little more nicely. On a good day like today, my hair reached my lower back, falling in loose waves. One of the foster parents I'd had a few years ago tried to convince me to cut it off and sell it and, when I refused, tried to cut it off while I was sleeping. People are weird.

I walked out into the corridor and saw Noah already there waiting for me with another boy. He had sandy blonde hair messily styled so a few strands swept across his blue eyes. He had a narrow body like a greyhound and he wore a flirty smirk along with dark jeans and a red baseball jacket.

"Oh hey Amaryllis, you ready to go?" Noah asked, pulling my focus back to him. He was wearing dark jeans and a plain white t-shirt that hugged his build beautifully.

"Yep." I replied, popping the p.

"Perfect," He gestured to the blonde boy next to him. "this is-"

"I can introduce myself," He said from his position leaning against the wall. He stepped towards me, "I'm Felix," he held out his hand for me to shake, "Charmed I'm sure."

"Amaryllis," I replied, ignoring his hand and choosing to cross my arms instead.

He looked a tad taken aback that I hadn't fallen over myself as soon as he looked at me but quickly recovered his smirk.

"Bet you're glad you met us before the other savages who go here, You're in good hands."

"If by good hands you mean my own then yes, I am."

Unperturbed by my clear disdain he continued.

"I'm certainly glad I got to meet the mysterious new girl."

"I'm not mysterious.'

"The only girl in a school full of boys? I beg to differ."

I wasn't sure if that was a compliment but the low tone he whispered it in sent pleasant sparks racing down my spine. Felix may be rather obnoxiously confident but he had the looks and charm to back it up.

Noah cleared his throat, interrupting my thoughts. "Actually I think you'll find I found her first." His eyebrow was raised in unimpressed look that made heat rise to my cheeks. "We better get to breakfast before all the food is gone, Carter'll be waiting for us."

From behind me the sound of a door opening made me flinch. A small crease appeared between Noah's eyebrows at the sight.

"Oh hey again, I didn't think you would still be here." Caspar said to me.

Noah and Felix both turned to glare with faces dark as thunder at him and I was glad that they weren't looking at me like that, I think I would have pissed myself. Poor Caspar was shaking in his boots the moment he saw them.

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