Chapter 9

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When Monday came around, I was a little worried to go to work after I'd asked Chloe why she always made me stay late on Friday. She didn't seem mad at the time, but it still made me a little nervous.

I also wasn't exactly looking forward to going since it meant that I couldn't be glued to my phone all day messaging my new "friend."

We had basically been talking all weekend, and I knew the week being here would mean less frequent conversations.

I could feel myself getting more and more hooked, and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I had somehow started to develop feelings for someone that I barely knew and had barely talked to.

There was just something about her, I wasn't really sure what it was, but I liked it. Talking to her was fun, and it was easy.

The way our conversations were going, it made me feel like we'd known each other way longer than we had. Maybe I was reading into this way too much and starting to feel things too soon, but I couldn't help it.

When I did get to work, I slowly walked inside and towards my office.

"Hey Chloe," I said as I gave her a small wave.

"Morning," she responded.

She looked up and smiled slightly, it didn't seem like she was too mad.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat down at my desk and turned my computer on. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

I checked my phone before I got started for the day, and was glad to see that I had a message waiting for me.

"Morning, hope you have a good Monday :)"

"Thanks, same to you. I'd rather be at home talking to you all not sure how good it can really be. ;)" I responded.

That was a little more forward and flirty than normal for me, but what could I say? She brought out that side of me.

I put my phone back in my purse and started my work, trying to stay busy. I didn't really hear much from Chloe, and it seemed weird.

Maybe me saying something to her had made her back off a little bit, or maybe she respected the fact that I finally (kind of) stood up for myself. Either way, I was thankful.

I still got emails throughout the day about her needing me to work on certain things, but their frequency had definitely decreased. I wasn't complaining.


Later in the week, I heard Chloe talking about another project that people would probably have to stay late for. I sighed to myself and waited for the inevitable email to come that I'd have to be one of them.

To my surprise, it never came. I walked out of my office at the end of the day and waved to Chloe as I went by. She looked up and grinned at me as she watched me walk by.

Okay something had definitely changed with her. I was just going to assume that it was because I called her out. Or maybe she hadn't really realized that she was doing it and now she was trying to get better. Who knows.

I got out to my car and started to drive home, and I called Emily on the way.

"Hey, how was work?" She answered.

"Actually not terrible," I said.

"You sound very surprised by that," Emily said with a laugh.

"Well I am!" I responded, "my boss isn't seeming to walk all over me quite as much."

"That's a good thing, did you finally say something to her?" She asked.

"Kind of...I asked her why I was the one that always had to stay late, but that's it," I said.

"Maybe that did it," Emily said, "never know."

"Yeah, hopefully it continues to help," I told her.

"And maybe you should speak up more if she pulls anything again," Emily said.

"Yeah...I guess I probably should," I sighed, "but it's hard."

"I know," Emily agreed, "let's just hope that she keeps improving and you don't have to worry about it."

"Hopefully," I said.

"Hey sorry, Luke is calling me, I'll talk to you later?" Emily said.

"Yeah, talk to you later Em," I said before hanging up.

I got home a few minutes later and set my things down and changed my clothes. I checked my phone as I started to make myself something for dinner.

"Hey, I have an idea," was the message that I had.

"Sounds interesting...whatchya got?" I responded.

"Are you busy tomorrow night?" She asked.

I felt a nervous feeling in my stomach as I wondered what she had in mind. I definitely had feelings for this girl, but I didn't think I was ready to meet her. Maybe that's not even what she was thinking, I shouldn't go there yet.

"I don't think so, depends on what you're going to ask me though. :)" I responded.

"Very fair :) but I was just thinking of a type of movie date maybe...we pick a movie and start it at the same time, something like that?" She said.

Okay well that was fucking adorable.

"Okay, now I might admit that you're charming," I sent her.

"It's about time! ;) and is that a yes?" She asked.

"It takes a while to win me over...and yes it is :)" I responded.

"Perfect, it's a date ;) does 7:30 work? I can message you then and we can pick a movie," she said.

"Yup, that should be good," I responded.

"What kind of movies do you like?" She asked.

"Usually anything but horror...and I guess I have to be in the mood for a sad movie," I sent.

"Fair enough, except I can't believe you don't like horror movies," she responded.

"I wouldn't even say don't like...I'd probably say hate, I don't like being scared!" I said.

"Not even if you have someone to cuddle up next to when you do get scared?" She asked.

"Well I don't have that now do I?! :)" I sent.

I sat down at the counter with my dinner as I watched my phone for her response.

"Don't tempt me now..." she said.

I felt heat flush my face as I smiled at her message. She knew how to get me flustered, that was for sure.

We continued to talk back and forth as I ate dinner and hung out for the rest of the night. This had basically become my nightly routine, and I wasn't mad about it.

Later when I was settled down in bed, I was trying to force myself to put my phone down so I could go to sleep.

"Okay, I better go so I'm not dead tomorrow," I sent.

"Fair enough, can't wait for our movie date, night. :)"

I plugged my phone in and turned over as I tried to turn my mind off and fall asleep, but all I could think about was this mystery girl.

At this point, we'd only been talking for a little over a week, but I felt like I was in deep already.


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