
18 1 0

Eleven, legos and pizza and Mario Kart

When our biggest worry was if

We'd have dessert tonight

Twelve, puberty and popularity and acne

All the girls judging you

Because your mom bought you off-brand shoes

Thirteen, TikTok and "love" and sexual abuse

Thought you were smart and cool,

Only to be proven that you're a fool

Fourteen, anxiety and calories and insecurity

Constantly counting, always doubting

'Cause beauty isn't given, it's earned

Fifteen, lost innocence and AP and money

Wanting friends, but you'd rather have good grades,

'Cause if you don't get a scholarship, then it's all a waste

Sixteen, crushed hopes and lost dreams and dissociation

Promises someone didn't keep, now

You don't accept a single thing

Looking back, wishing I could

Reverse time and go back

To that time when I

Was 11 and I had dreams

and hopes

All that's left is

a broken heart and shards of glass

That I don't know how to put back

Stupid feelings and poetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora