.~The kiss~.

498 10 16

Lucifer's pov

The moment I started to wake up, I felt warm bed sheets wrapping around my body. I snuggled into them slightly, that was until I realised they had Adams stench and I got out of them really fast.

Why was he in my room?

Then I remembered he choked me. Fucking hell. But... he did carry me back I guess. Probably just to get me to not kill him, for the third time. Which I definitely am still gonna do. Once I find him that is.

I slowly sat up from my position and rubbed my eyes open properly. My neck burns. Can't believe he had the audacity to hurt his king. I then stood up and walked in front of my floating mirror to see if there were any marks, which there were. I'm not fucking surprised, he did it so hard.

I looked around for something to hide it, because I can't be bothered to heal it right now. I found some bandages but they would look stupid. I found a scarf that I made ages ago that, would draw attention. So instead I summoned some foundation and put that on. I'm not an expert at this so I just put some on my hand and spread it across my neck, that seemed to work.

Once I made sure nobody could see the marks I went downstairs to get some food because I was fucking starving. I saw Charlie with Maggie- Vaggie.. The annoying deer on the couch reading like the annoying prick he is, Niffty was trying to stab roaches but was failing miserably. Adam was nowhere to be seen.

After the battle was over, that Cherri Bomb girl stayed here because of that snake dude. I think his name was Sir Pentious. She was on her phone.

I walked into the kitchen, luckily nobody was there. I instantly walked to the fruit basket on the side and grabbed two apples. That was when someone came up behind me and grabbed my waist. I whipped my head back so fast I'm surprised it didn't fall off.

Ugh... Adam.

"Why the fuck are you holding my waist."

"It looks grabbable"

The fuck? I pushed him off after standing there for a second of thinking. I then walked away with my apples. Not even looking back to see his reaction, I just want to get out of the same room as him. And if he follows me to the lounge I am actually going to die inside.

He did. I sat down on the other sofa, nobody was sitting on it and there was plenty of room on the other one for Adam to sit on. But no, he had to sit on the sofa I was on. Right next to me. He put one of his arms around me too. Fucking hell.

We had everyone looking at us and I didn't like it so I simply moved away from him. But he just moved closer. This went on for a minute until I just stood up and sat on a normal chair. Everyone was back to doing their things now. He glared at me like I was the problem, even though he was the one that started it.

He walked over to me and picked me up out of my chair

"Put me down! I demand you to!"

He put me down, but not on the chair. He sat down in it! He picked me up just to sit down in my chair that I brought from my castle. He smirked

"Stop fucking smirking, You know that's my chair-"

He rolled his eyes, my sentence was cut short because he pulled me onto his fucking lap. The worst part? I didn't retaliate. I just sat there like an idiot.

All of a sudden, all eyes were on us. Silence followed until someone spoke up, it wasn't me nor Adam. It was obviously Angel.

"Ooooo hooking up with the short king are ya?~"

"No he's not! I'm going to my room!"

I got off of Adam as fast as lightning and bolted to my room, I didn't want anyone to see how flustered I was. If Adam saw, he would definitely make fun of me.

I slammed my door shut and sat in my bed questioning my existence, when...

Adams pov

I was only doing it to tease him, not to make him go red as a fucking beetroot. I smirked after he left. But not for long.

"You need to go check up on him Adam." Charlie finally said


"You're the one that made my father stomp away like a child!"

"At least he's acting his height!"

This went on for a while, before I gave in and decided to actually listen to Charlie.

"Fine! I will! But not because you told me too!"

I marched out the room towards Lucifer's room, I reluctantly knocked on his door. I heard some shuffling behind the door Before it opened. There stood a mini king who was red in the face.

I laughed at him before asking him if he's alright, to which he replied with

"No, I'm not. Go away."

I rolled my eyes and barged past him into his room, where I saw piles upon piles of ducks. I'm not even fucking surprised at this point. He's made it really fucking clear he's obsessed with ducks.

"This looks depressing, Lulu"

Shit. I just called him the nickname I gave him in Eden. I turned and saw a shocked face

"You fucking remember that?"

I was going through my head on what to say, three different things I could say, Duh, No it just slipped out my mouth, and I love you. I am not using the last one. Ever.

"I- uh.. Yes- NO! Maybe?"

Well I fucked that up.

"I thought you forgot... it's nice to know you remember the little things you know.."

"Yeah... um.. No worries"

I sound like a little girl who just got attention from their crush. I scratched the back of my neck and looked away from him. I think he could tell I was a bit uncomfortable, because he said I could leave if I wanted to. But I didn't.

Instead I walked closer, backing him up against the wall. I got so close our breaths intertwined and danced together. I realised what I was doing and went to pull away. But I was instantly pulled back and pulled into a passionate kiss...


The one for me. From the beginning.  -AdamsApple fanficWhere stories live. Discover now