Fact #33

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The only reason for Fire Emblem coming to the West was for Super Smash Bros

One source states, "In 2012, Fire Emblem Awakening was released for the Nintendo 3DS. This game was a massive critical and commercial success. It soon became one of the "must-have" games for the system. Before Awakening, the Fire Emblem series was on its last legs. Nintendo had been considering shelving the series, due to the low global sales of previous titles in the series. The success of Awakening led to the release of three new Fire Emblem games on the 3DS, a crossover with the popular Shin Megami Tensei series on the Wii U, and Fire Emblem becoming one of the most well-represented series in Smash Bros. Fire Emblem owes a lot of its success to the Smash Bros. series, as it would never have left Japan without it. Super Smash Bros. Melee introduced Marth and Roy to the series. These characters were representatives from the Fire Emblem series. At one point, it was suggested that they would be edited out of the English version of Melee, as they were from a series that had never left Japan. The popularity of these characters among playtesters led to them remaining in the game. Marth and Roy became popular with the fans and caused a in Fire Emblem in the West. Nintendo took note of this and began localising the Fire Emblem games in America"(Baird). 

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