Fact #23

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Any mention of Project M can get you banned from the Miiverse.

One source states, "Project M, the fan-made mod of Brawl, is a household name among Smash Bros. die-hards. It takes all the best parts of Melee and Brawl and mashes them together, adding a whole new set out costumes, stages and moves that Nintendo ought to have thought of in the first place. Fan service, such as Fusion Suit Samus and Mewtwo's armor from the first Pokémon movie, is abundant, and characters are more balanced and responsive than ever.

Naturally, such a well-received mod garnered the attention of Nintendo's legal team and Project M called it quits before any serious charges could be laid against them. Still, Nintendo doesn't like to admit that a team of dedicated nerds outdid them, and happily ban any user who mentions the term "Project M" on Miiverse forums, citing an illegal discussion of "criminal activity"(Reid). 

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