And they says parents love their childrens equally. How funny

Y/n laugh bitterly messaging her forehead.

Her head is hurting really bad.

The whole day in Kang Corporation there was various types of gossips were happening. The hot topic was y/n selling her shares and her fathers behaviour. Everyone thought her father was here to pressure her to leave the company.

This is the reason she sold 20% at a time. The employees pity her for having such a ridiculous father and family.

She might be cold hearted boss to them but they have to admit she is the best in her field. She has never abuse her power. She has always treated them like a human being not working machine like the previous CEO.

Under her surveillance there was no bullying the employees or overworking them.

Yes, her techniques were strict and cold, she has always demand perfect work but no one can ignore how much she has valued their talents.

So, overall they were happy working under their cold hearted boss.

The recent events has made them feel very sympathic towards her.

Y/n walk out of the building exhausted. She has a strong headache and she will not admit it but she is emotionally drained.

Jungkook stood there waiting for her.

He noticed her exhausted self but something about her feels very off today. She said she has a headache.

He silently drives her home. Y/n went to take a shower. He decided to cook for her, he asked her butler to bring meds for her headache.

He patiently waits for her after cooking dinner for her.

Y/n had a bittersweet feeling when she saw Jungkook waiting for her. Her own father treated her like shit and then there's this man made her feel special.

She let out a chuckle.

The feeling she feel for this green eyes man is something so magical, so pure, something even she never thought she is capable of feeling.

Is this what they call love?

After finishing the dinner in silence Jungkook handed her meds.

Y/n feels much better now.

She went to the kitchen where he was Washington the dishes. She hugged him from behind.

Jungkook flinch at the sudden contact then relaxed. He wants to know what is wrong with her but since she is already not feeling well he decide not to bother her more.

Y/n tighten her hold around him.

She feels much more better now.

Jungkook was done with his work. He turn around and capture her into his arms. His protective, comforting embrace, his warmth made y/n melt into his hold.

She feels like her tiredness is gone as soon as he brought her into his warmth. Y/n felt a kiss on her crown of her head.

She buried her face into his chest.

Her headache was almost gone thanks to the meds.

His hand caresse her back soothingly.

Y/n prayed she could stay like this forever, she has never felt so loved before, so cherished before.

"Bad day?" he asked softly before kissing her forehead.

Y/n sigh and start to tell him about her day.

This feels good. To share the burden with someone, to have someone to lean on. And from now Jungkook is that person to her.

Jungkook felt raw anger, he wanted nothing more than to confronting her father. But he knows It's something for y/n to handle and she will handle it on her own way.

Their beautiful moment is disturbed by a doorbell.

They went to check who could be at this moment.

The people came was the last person on earth they imagined to come at this moment.

"Taehyung and Roseanne?"


I have made few changes in chapter 57 about the amount of share money. Please check them out to prevent future confusion.

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