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I laid after having that soup. My mind wandered back to the night I met Alice's parents. I had to leave immediately otherwise they wouldn't let me enter in the military school and the forest near the school is so dangerous, what if tiger will come out, he probably have never seen a handsome meal.

My mind is clouded with Alice's face, her beauty, grace, elegance, how she talk, how she walk, how she was scared, how she becomes happy looking at a ride.

Do I love her?

/No! I can't. I'm here to complete a task
........the task that I don't even know...../

My messed thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was my roommates. Max, James and Joseph entered the room. They asked me how I am and how did I ended up on the terrace so I gave them that old excuse of 'Sleepwalking'. Even they didn't seem to believe me since it's been weeks I have been sleeping with them but this was the first time I did something like this but still they didn't
asked me anything further considering my weak state. According to them I fell on the ground in my sleep.

Ok! This is embarrassing.

Next Day


After Vance left, the room was all silent, no one spoke anything. Father went to his room meanwhile Mother walked to kitchen. I too strides towards my room. Mind filled with his thoughts.

I feel safe around him, something I didn't felt for years. He is a bubbly and sweet guy, something today's men lack. Everyone wants to be aggressive, strong and masculine. That toxic masculinity, they think beating their wives means you are strong. It's not, they are just too fool to understand that.

They only have a big bodies but not brain. Mother wants me to trap him in my love and marry him , this will give them a big reputation that they are related to Melis's, to someone who is the wealthiest businessman, they can get expensive gifts from them.

But I can't, I just met him and he just thinks of me as a friend and there is no way I'll do something this cheap to benefit these monsters.

He is a nice guy, first time someone took my side, stood by me. I do have some feelings for him, maybe cause he is the first person who is kind towards me.

Yes, that's the only reason.

I thought and went to bed to sleep without having dinner, hoping I'll not meet him much. I don't want to drag him in my mess. He don't deserve that.

Written on- 28 March, 2024

Published on- 10 May, 2024

Ok so, it's my birthday. I'm not that happy as I should be.....

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