Part 2

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The next few weeks were stressful for everyone. The students couldn't keep up with the exams and the professors all had to write and grade those exams. Y/n was under double the stress because of her minoring in medicine. She didn't sleep most nights and would often end up crashing in the library, waking up too early, then going back to her dorm to shower and get her stuff for the lectures. She always had a cup of coffee in her hand. Sometimes, though, her grip would loosen and the cup would fall. "Stupid me!" She'd say. Nobody asked her about that or about anything at all. She didn't really have any friends. All the girls thought she was a nerd and no fun and the boys knew she would pull out their eyes if they looked at her. Y/n didn't care about having friends orD dating or having fun. All she cared about was her studies and her dream of becoming a chemistry teacher. She only minored in medicine because their parents wanted her to. She grew to like it but teaching was her passion. She actually thought that she could use her medicine minor to teach biology or chemistry.

Despite all the stress, Y/n's grades never changed. She was always the best at everything. That made jealousy a big part of her college life. People were always jealous of her, but she didn't care. She worked well under pressure and not-so-nice words she got from college mates. She didn't talk to that boy from the library - Lin-Manuel Miranda - again. She didn't want to talk to him. She saw him multiple times around campus doing normal stuff. But looks like he was meant to annoy her.
He didn't really meet her but one morning, as she woke up in the library like many days before, she found a cup of coffee on the table next to her head. It had a note attached to it,

             This is for Y/n Y/L/n.
             From Lin-Manuel
             Miranda :)

She groaned. That Lin-Manuel is definitely not leaving her alone. Who does he think he is? She groaned again but took the cup with her as she left the library. She went to her dorm for a quick shower and to collect her stuff. As she was leaving, she looked at the coffee on her bedside table. She muttered to herself, "I guess I won't have to buy coffee today." She shrugged and took the coffee with her.

Upon finishing her first lecture of the day, Y/n was walking around campus when she spotted Lin-Manuel Miranda having the laugh of his life with some friends. She approached him, "Um...Lin-Manuel, can I talk to you for a second?"

He turned to her and shrugged, "Sure." They moved away until they were out of his friends' earshot. Y/n spoke, "So, um...Thank you for the coffee." She said it like it was a question.

Lin-Manuel smiled, "No problem. Also, since when are you being nice towards me?"

"Not happening. It's just polite to thank someone who's done a good deed for you."

He nodded slowly, "I see."

"Also, who do you think you are?! Why'd you get me that coffee anyway?"

He shrugged, "It has absolutely nothing to do with you. If I saw any person sleeping in the library, I'd bring them coffee. Also, I think this is too much for you." She opened her mouth to speak but he interrupted her, "I get that you're always trying to prove that you're tough and that you don't need help but that's bad for you."

Y/n was really surprised by this. A man who was genuinely concerned about her. That was the shock. Maybe her mother had actually been wrong. Y/n finally understood that she can't generalise because not all people are the same. She started to like this person. This may be her first friend in college. After a few moments of thinking to herself, Y/n spoke, "You know? Maybe, you're not so bad after all. Lin-Manuel Miranda, I'm sorry for making an assumption about your intentions. I think I can make a friend out of you."

He smiled, "Oh, well, you can call me Lin. Lin-Manuel is just too long. Also, I think you formulated that last sentence in the wrong way, but I understand you. So, would you like to come and get to know my friends?"

She shrugged. Y/n has never been in a friend group or something like that. Being the older sister came with being deathly afraid of disappointing her mom. It meant she always had to get the best grades and get the scholarship. She always had to be the overachiever. She never had any time for friends, let alone dating. She honestly had mixed feelings about Lin. She felt like he could be a good friend but he was still a man.

Men couldn't possibly all be bad, right? She thought and followed along to have the first friends she'd ever had.

She met his friends and, surprisingly, they weren't all so bad. She got to know each one of them and they were all nice to her. They included her in their talks and seemed so interested in her. Y/n has never met someone that was interested in getting to know her. She enjoyed her time with Lin-Manuel's friends. Y/n noticed that her next lecture was in 20 minutes so she excused herself, "Sorry, guys. I gotta go. I have a lecture in 20 minutes."

Lin-Manuel nodded, "Sure. Bye, Y/n!" Everyone said goodbye and Y/n started walking to her dorm to get her stuff.

Guys, request the dam chapters I forget and get carried away...

Helpless (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang