Part 1

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Y/n Y/L/n was a totally normal 18-year-old student in Wesleyan University, 1998. She was studying education as the major and medicine as a minor study. She was trying to get a book in the library but, due to her height, she couldn't reach it. (I know the books there aren't put on high shelves but let it slip okay?)

"You need help?" A male voice asked next to her. She knew all males in this college were looking for something specific, and it wasn't anywhere even near a woman's upper body. She rolled her eyes and looked at the young man beside her, "No."

He looked surprised, "Oh. I think you do but as you wish." He shrugged and started walking away.

She scoffed, "Wait!" She gave up, "Fine, I do need your stupid help. You're tall."

He shrugged and got her the book, "You're so weird."

"Thank you for the book. Also, that's not how you talk to a woman you want to f-"

He interrupted her, "Whoa, whoa there. Also, what told you I wanted to sleep with you? I don't even know your name."

Y/n was surprised. Was it possible that this person was actually not just wanting to sleep with any female he sees? She responded, "I don't know. Maybe the fact that every male in this place is just looking for a one-night stand?"

"Well, I guess you're partly right, but not everyone here is like that. I, for example, think that sex has to be after marriage."

She was getting bored of this. She wanted to continue studying, "Good for you. I hope you find someone." She started walking away.

He caught up with her, "Wait. I didn't get your name."

"Well, I don't think you should have it but sure, it's Y/n Y/L/n. You?"

"Lin-Manuel Miranda. I'm double majoring in film and theatre. You?"

She sighed, "I'm majoring in education and minoring in medicine. See? I have a lot to do. Now get lost."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Whoa. Too harsh but I'll go. You really have a lot to do. I hope we meet again around campus."

"Whatever." She sat down and started studying but she just couldn't seem to focus. After a lot of hopeless time of trying to focus, Y/n gave up and went back to her dorm. She kept thinking about that boy, Lin-Manuel. She definitely didn't like him but he seemed...respectful? She wasn't taught that men could be respectful. Her mind drifted to her childhood. Her father was always hitting her mom and treating her like a slave and when he got tired of Y/n, her mom, and her sister, he left them for his mistress. Y/n was taught that men will always hurt you and that they only look for what's under your hips. But was her mother wrong? That boy didn't ask for her number and he left when she asked him to. He helped her. Were there actually men like that? Maybe. He also may have been just trying to convince her he was good so that she would agree to sleep with him. Yes, that was it. He was just a good actor. He studied film and theatre after all. She slept after she finally sorted her ideas out and got to the truth.

For two weeks she hasn't seen that weird liar. She never complained and just forgot him, until he sat by her side in the library again. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Not you again!"

He scoffed, "Look, I know we started off the wrong foot and I'm not trying to befriend you. You made it clear you don't want that but look around. The library is so full of people. Jeez, you must've been here for a long time since you didn't notice how many people are there."

She looked around, "I hate to admit this, but you're right and I can't stop you from studying." She went back to her book and continued studying.

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