The Neighbour

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"Vicky, come here!" shouted Jenny.

"It looks like your neighbour is putting up a fence on your land. He's over the boundary," Jenny added.

Vicky came to the window.

"What the heck!" She exclaimed in the audacity of her neighbour's actions.

There were three men, one in a mini digger and the other two installing the fence posts. Vicky & Jenny were best friends and did CrossFit together. They were supposed to be on their way to a training session, which was delayed as they both went out to speak with the fence installers.

"Hey, excuse me," said Vicky politely.

The men ignored her.

"This fence is on my land. Could you stop, please." Asked Vicky.

"No love. I suggest you and your girlfriend go to your aerobics class," he said rudely. The other men laughed.

"You have to stop!" Said Jenny.

"If you think we are going to stop for two birds in leotards, you must be daft!" said the self-appointed leader of the workmen.

"I'm not your love, nor are we birds, and it's CrossFit, thank you!" replied Vicky, frustrated.

In anger, Jenny went over to the heavy concrete fence posts. She lifted one and carried it before dropping it over where the workers were.

"Ohh, she works out, does she?" said the fence installer sarcastically. Though he didn't show it, he was confused. It took two of them to move one post, and she had just effortlessly lifted it and dropped it.

"Look, love, just because you lift little weights at a lady's gym doesn't mean you are strong. We work out every day, proper strong we are. Not fake gym strong like you two.", grunted the workman.

"Thank you for your expert opinion." Jenny and Vicky were starting to get fed up. 

In between the arguing, the mini digger operator started the digger and moved closer to a tree they wanted to remove. He began nudging it using the digger's bucket.

"That tree has a protection order. You need to stop it!" shouted Vicky.

They didn't listen.

"That's it, I've had enough!" said Vicky. Nodding in agreement, they both removed their sweatshirts to reveal their impressive muscular physiques.

Vicky went over to the tree, which was under attack from the mini digger, and stood in front of it. The digger retracted its arm and moved back slightly.  Her shoulders and lats were so broad and strong, like a muscular wonder woman standing there with her hands on her hips. The larger of the fence installers went over to the mini digger operator. The two were in conversation, occasionally glancing over at Vicky and sniggering. It appeared they were planning something. The mini digger revved as its hydraulic arm extended slowly towards Vicky.

The hydraulic arm lifts the bucket level with Vicky's head as it trundles forward slowly, like a medieval battering ram. Vicky stands her ground and raises her arms in protection. She grabs the digger bucket and begins to push. At first, Vicky's feet slide on the soft ground, her trainers slipping, trying to gain some grip and traction. After a short while, Vicky manages to find some grip, and then starts to push the mini digger. The engine strains and the tracks on the mini digger stop at first, then begin to spin whilst remaining in place. Vicky's tanned muscles feel like they are about to rip out of her skin as she prevents the mechanical beast from moving. A glance behind her, looking down at her leg, reveals her muscled thigh and calve muscles, stretching her leggings to bursting point as she fights against the mini digger. She turns to look back at the driver, a wry smile across her face, knowing he's shocked by her strength.

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