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Leah's words caught me off guard. "It wasn't you?" I repeated, my mind reeling with confusion. "Then who...?"

She shrugged, a puzzled expression on her face. "I have no idea. I wish it was me but it wasn't."

My heart sank as I realized that the identity of my benefactor remained a mystery. If it wasn't Leah, then who could it be? And why would someone go to such lengths to help me?

But even as the questions swirled in my mind, I couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of gratitude that washed over me. Whoever had bailed me out had given me a second chance at freedom, and I would be forever indebted to them.

"Whoever it was, I owe them everything," I said, my voice choked with emotion. Leah smiled warmly at me, her eyes shining with pride.

"We'll figure it out, Nyns. But for now, let's focus on getting you cleaned up and fed," she said, her tone gentle and reassuring.

Nodding gratefully, I headed to the bathroom, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Despite the uncertainty that still loomed ahead, I knew that with Leah by my side, I could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the warm water cascaded over my skin, washing away the stress of the past few hours, I allowed myself to relax for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The tension melted away from my muscles, leaving me feeling lighter and more hopeful than I had in days.

Once I was clean and refreshed, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and made my way back to the kitchen, where Leah had prepared a simple but comforting meal of pasta and salad. The aroma of garlic and herbs filled the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

"Looks delicious, Lee," I said, taking a seat at the table. She smiled at me, her eyes warm with affection.

"Dig in, Nyns. You've earned it," she said, passing me a plate piled high with pasta. I wasted no time in tucking in, savoring the familiar flavors and textures.

As we ate, we talked about anything and everything, our conversation flowing easily as if we hadn't been separated for a single moment. It was moments like these that reminded me of why Leah was not just my best friend, but my soulmate, my confidante, my rock.

As we finished our meal, I felt a sense of contentment settle over me. Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, I knew that as long as I had Leah by my side, I would be able to weather any storm.

"Thank you, Lee," I said, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. "For everything."

She smiled at me, her eyes shining with affection. "Anytime, Nyns. Anytime."

And as we sat together in the warmth and comfort of my apartment, we decided to watch a movie to relax after everything that happened on this day.

I made us popcorns and Leah has found us a movie we will watch so this seemed to be like one of those cosy chill nights without adrenaline and excitement finally.

She picked Exam from 2009 and we cuddled up on the couch as the movie started. I felt weird as she started to stroke my hair like some friends always do when cuddling and on top of that, we always had that close relationship with each other. But still, something was weird in my stomach about it. I didn't feel normal friends kinda thing I always feel towards her, I felt I wanted to me more close to her then I actually was.

My back was leaning on her chest while she was still caressing my hair and her glaze was concentrated on the entertaining movie plot without noticing me looking at her with desire.

Her blond hair was falling down her shoulders making beautiful silhouette and her plump lips were partly opened as she was watching the film in awe. The feeling that I've felt in this moment became so strange all of the sudden and I've never felt this way about Leah in my life, that was certain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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