Not Your Captain Now

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"Si si, come inside, you didn't surprise me Maps" said Alexia while Mapi was coming inside her flat

Me and Alexia agreed that I'll be waiting in her closet in hallway until she goes because she didn't have a spare room for me to hide inside.

"How are you, you look upset?" The captain asked Mapi

"That's why I came here Ale. I have problems with Ingrid and I need your advice"

"What happened?" Alexia asked her best friend

"She's hiding something, I even think that she is seeing someone else" defender said with a lump in her throat

"What?" captain almost screamed at her words

"Yes Ale, she is hiding something. She's always on the phone, texting someone I think and when we're alone she is acting like she doesnt want me anymore" and she started crying

From what I've heard Alexia hugged her friend and told her she probably overreacted and that Ingrid is not like that. And about that I can agree with her, Ingi is not a person who will cheat and specially not on Mapi who she truly loves.

"Did you look through her phone or something?"

"No, I don't have a heart to do that" Mapi said still upset

"Look through it, or ask her, I don't know what to tell you honestly, Im shocked that you think she would do it"

"I have no idea Ale, everything was good but last few weeks she is acting so weird and she's always on her damn phone texting someone. No idea what to do, no idea"

She clearly sounded more upset than she was when she came here. Oh poor Mapi. I wanted to give her a hug right now but that's not allowed and she can't even know I'm here.

And with that it hit me. Maria said Ingrid is always on her phone and texting another person, wait a damn minute, I have a confirmation that I'm talking to a teammate so is that person maybe... Ingrid?

No no no and once again no. This can't be. This is not happening. My body is on electricity right now, I'm losing my consciousness and in that moment I hit the inside doors of the closet with my head and girls heard a noise.

"What is that?" Mapi looked in Alexia then in hallway

Shit. They really heard me and I heard Alexia said "Nothing, probably my love Nala punched into something like she always does. Im going to check"

"Nah, you dont have to, I thought someone was here haha I just got scared because I thought someone broke into your apartment"

They both laughed at that and brushed it off. Uff this was close. And why are Alexia and me always meant to be hiding and almost revealed? We don't do anything bad to anyone and we are just hanging out, what's wrong with that?

And with that I heard someone's phone ringing. "Hallo" Mapi said.
Oh it was Mapi's.

"Okay love, I'll be there in 20"

"I have to pick up Ings, sorry for waisting your time Ale" Mapi said to her friend

"No no don't say that, I'm glad we talked about it, update me on your situation with her"

"I will, thank you love" and with that they hugged, well I couldn't see it but I can guess

"Bye Maps"

"Bye Ale"

And I heard doors shut.

I waited a minute just to be sure that Maria left and got out of the closet.

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