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The picture was kinda blurry honestly, but I could clearly see it was the girl's right leg with Barcelona's shorts on.

This was a confirmation that I'm talking with one of the girls...

This is really a nightmare for me and I still somehow hoped it wasn't true. I believed this things happen only in movies but apparently not, this was my reality. Nina Hailey Powell is talking with her teammate and she even doesnt know who it is.

Bravo for me I thought. Then another text came from Iris

"You like my shorts? 😏"

Ohh I do, you don't even know. How could this happen to me, I mean I've been dealing with many situations in my past relationships but this, this was another level.

I replied "Of course! I'm huge Barca fan! 🇪🇸"

What should I do now? To tell her the truth or to go straight to the point and ask her to send me a picture of her face so I can finally know who am I dealing with.

Of course I wanted it to be the second option but it wasn't that easy. Do I even want to know? I mean maybe it's better for me not to but my impatience is killing me.

She responded "You can come watch me play if you want :))"

So this really is a confirmation that she is playing for Barca. I replied "So you are Barcelona's player??"

How suprising, and I am too. How can I come and watch her if I will probably play in that game too. With her in the same team!

"Si, I wanted to tell you this earlier but I thought you will run away because of my fame and everything... lo siento 😐"

Okaaay, my life is officialy a mess. And the fact that I couldn't ascertain who am I talking with is bothering me even more. So I asked her again

"No worries, I won't run away 😁 could you tell me more about the game on Saturday? Are you starting?"

"I think I am, coach didn't say anything but I think I will start and we are playing against Atletico Madrid at 3 pm 😊"

"Great! So you want me to come then?

"Claro! If you want of course 😀"

Oh how can I say no to this? Even tho I will be playing on the same team with this Iris girl but I replied with "Sure I want! I'm buying tickets tomorrow :)"

"Yeees :)) sorry I'm just excited to meet you 🙈"

Shit, this girl was being cute again and I couldn't do anything but to catch feelings for someone I've never seen in my life.

Maybe it will be a surprise on Saturday for both me and her but at least I will know who am I texting. It won't be that awkward right? I began to laugh at myself in a middle of my kitchen and my stomach started to feel pain from laughing while I put my phone down and continued with eating.

When I finished, I washed all the dishes and decided to take a nap on a couch but someone didn't let me have my peace for 5 minutes. My phone vibrated and I got a message from Instagram.

From alexiaputellas: can you talk? are you free?

This was unusual, very unusual. We always talk about games, football and stuff conected to football and club so I didn't know what was going on.

I sent "si, now?

"yes, can we facetime?"

"yes, call me"

I don't know what to expect and I knew this was serious otherwise she wouldn't call me. She would never call me first I think. Mapi or Patri yes but me, no.

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