CHapter one: My sad saddd life

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 I was born a disgust to everyone who saw me. My name is Amethist Silver cresent moonlight shadow blood  the second. My mom was a beautiful woman, one who could stop any man in his tracks. I have black hair. She had black hair too. Oh did I just give something important away in a really boring and unrealistic way? Oh no worries, for a whole chapter I will cry about it...well actually for three sentences I will, and the rest of the chapter I will cry about how my life sucks. Anyways, I have long black hair that reaches my butt, it is wavy and shiny and sleek, but I hate it. I hate everything. I was born with purple eyes that were as beautiful as -insert appealing comparison here-...or at least that's what people say. I don't believe them though BECAUSE I HATE MYSELF. I just want to make sure everyone understands that, it is a key element of my personality. Of course no one actually pays any mind to why I have a weird color of eyes they just accept it  AS UNREALISTIC AS THAT IS. I new I never belonged with the other people at my super preppy school where everyone there wore sweaters and khakis and some type of shoe that rich white stereotyped people wear....everyone. Ever since I was born I was different. I always liked black. Black was the only color I would wear. Oh and did I mention my eyes are purple?

"EW look at that goth girl who weres such a drab color!1"  Jill the super most popular girl in the whhhole school said while she approached me. She was the queen of the school who everyone loved despite her super terrible personality, because that is super realistic also. Jill only wore bright colors, because bright colors is a bad thing and only people that are anti-characters where bright colors. She also wore uggs.

Jill laughed and her little minions mimicked everything she did because they were prefect clones of here and did not change in personality even a bit.

"My drab color is better than ur drab personality prick!" I yelled defensively. Yea I was insecure but I was still a bad ass that never took any crap from others!

She gasped and flicked her hair. after she flicked her hair she turned around. and. then. she. le.f.t.

Then a guy passed me. Not just any normal guy. He was beautiful. Almost too beautiful. SO like any natural human being I was instantly skeptical over the fact that if he was even human. he had dark black hair almost as dark as my soul. He also had golden eyes that glimered to a red when they met mine. My breath was taken away I knew instantly we were soul mates. ment to be together foreverrrrrr.



Real A/N

This is a parody, if your eyes burned off from the terrible everything, I deeply and humbly apologize for the loss of your sight haha C;

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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