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To my beloved daughter,

I remember the day we met as if it were yesterday. She appeared before me, a vision of beauty amidst the chaos of our Viking camp. Her features were delicate yet imbued with strength. Her eyes, oh her eyes, they held a depth of knowledge and understanding that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

I was drawn to her, not just by her physical beauty, but by the wisdom and kindness that emanated from her being. In her presence, I found solace from the turmoil that raged within me, a respite from the constant battle between my Christian beliefs and the allure of the Norse gods.

Our conversations were like poetry, each word a verse that wove a tapestry of shared experiences and unspoken truths. She listened to my doubts and fears without judgment, offering guidance and comfort in a way that only a true companion could.

Yet, despite the undeniable connection between us, a veil of mystery surrounded her. She never revealed her true identity, and I dared not pry into her secrets. It was like she existed in a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a fleeting glimpse of something divine.

Then came the moment of reckoning, the breaking of my oath as a monk. I had sworn to live a life of celibacy and devotion to God, but in her presence, my resolve wavered. The pull of desire and passion was too strong to resist, and I succumbed to the forbidden temptation.

Guilt and shame consumed me in the aftermath, my heart torn between loyalty to my faith and the undeniable love I felt for her. I sought forgiveness in prayers that felt hollow, knowing deep down that I had strayed from the path I had vowed to follow.

And then, she disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared, leaving me to grapple with the consequences of my actions. I searched for her in vain, haunted by her memory and the child I knew she carried within her.

Months passed, and just when I had resigned myself to the weight of my choices, she returned. This time, she bore a gift beyond measure, a precious bundle of innocence and purity. It was then that I realized the true extent of her divine nature.

"Athelstan," she spoke, her voice resonating with maternal warmth and divine grace. "Meet your daughter,—a child blessed by both mortal and divine realms." With a gentle smile, she placed baby you into my trembling embrace.

"Eira," I whispered, as I held my daughter for the first time. The name came to me like a whisper from the heavens, a symbol of peace and healing in a world torn apart by conflicting beliefs.

"Teach her well, Athelstan," she whispered, her words carrying the weight of destiny. "Guide her with love and wisdom, and she shall carry the light of both worlds within her."

I made a silent vow in that moment, to raise Eira with the teachings of my faith, to instill in her the values of love, compassion, and forgiveness. Despite the turmoil that had brought her into this world, she was a beacon of hope and a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is light to be found.

A/N: HEY GUYS ! I started to rewatch vikings and decided hey why not make up a character and write a fanfic. 

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