The Crazy King

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        Zuko slams his fist on the table angrily, "I don't care what you have to do! Just find him!" He yells angrily, glaring at the Fire Nation soldier in front of him. 

        The Fire Nation soldier jumps before quickly placing a fist against an open palm and bowing, "Yes, of course, Prince Zuko."

        As the soldier turns to leave, Zuko quickly calls out, "Wait. We aren't finished." As the soldier turns towards the prince, he continues "The traitor that is now traveling with the Avatar, do we know who it is yet?" 

        The soldier hesitates before clearing his throat and speaking, "We spread the pictures you had done of him, as requested. We have received word from someone in the Fire Nation, a historian, who may have information."

        "And? What information does he have?"

        "He said it would be best to show you in person. He's being brought over by one of our ships as we speak."

        Zuko scowls, "Fine. That's all then, get out." 

        As the soldier makes his leave, Zuko turns towards his desk, glaring at two posters pinned above the table. The first was a rough sketch of a young teenager, with a mischievous smile on his lips, and an arrow tattoo adorning his bald head. Next to it, was another drawing, one of another young teenage boy, his lips in a tight smile, deep eyes looking out from under his short bangs of raven hair. 

        Zuko will capture the Avatar. And in the process, he will make an example of that traitor. 


        Caishen feels his stomach twist in knots as he watches the cart full of cabbages plummet into the dark abyss below. Turning to Aang he grimaces, "Friendliest people in the world, huh?"

        Aang smiles back from under his fake mustache, "Must have increased the security a bit in the last 100 years." he laughs nervously before continuing forward towards the gate. "No problem, just keep smiling."

        Caishen frowns, following along behind his friends, careful to stay away from the edge. Caishen had been more than willing to stay behind with Appa while the three had gone off into the city, claiming that he could use the time to practice firebending and train. Aang however, would not accept it. Aang had dragged Caishen along, promising that it would be 'the experience of a lifetime'.

        Caishen follows behind Aang who stays in his old-man character, hunched over and leaning on his staff. As they reach the gate, one of the guards steps forward, earth bending a large boulder from the ground in front of us, and holding it over Aang. 

        "State your business!" The guard demands. 

        Suddenly Aang uses his airbending to quickly move up to the guard, getting in his face, "My business is my business, young man, and none of yours!" Aang says in his impersonation of an old man, jabbing his finger into the soldier's chest, making the soldier drop the boulder he had been bending. 

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