1. Caishen Dai: Origins

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Just a small TW: This chapter will depict a toxic and abusive relationship as well as physical abuse. 

Caishen's eyes flutter open as he stares up into the sky above him, frowning as he slowly blinks away the weight of sleep as the bright light above shines down through the branches above.

    "Where am I?" He murmurs sleepily, pushing himself up off the ground so that he is propped up on his elbows. 

    He takes in his surroundings, outside some kind of temple, empty and abandoned. He was lying on a small hill of grass. The only occupant besides himself was a thick blanket of fog creeping throughout the room, obscuring his view.

    Caishen pulls himself up from the ground, taking a shaky breath as he looks up at the large elaborate white and blue spires jutting out from the ground nearby. On closer inspection, he realizes he is in a beautiful elaborate garden. Rows of fresh vegetables and fruits line the field of grass he stands on. 

    He turns taking in his beautiful surroundings, he suddenly stops as his breath seems to get caught in his throat. 

    "What is this place?" He whispers, staring out over the ledge of a towering mountain, his eyes following elaborate winding paths carved into the mountain until they disappear into the clouds below.

    Caishen feels his body stiffen, startled as he hears a loud creak echo across the abandoned landscape. Quickly turning back to the elaborate building before him to see the large intricate doors now cracked open, more of the thick fog trickled out onto the floor.

    Before he knew it, Caishen found himself approaching the doors, almost as if the thick fog was pulling him in. Calling for him to come closer and investigate. The damp grass under his feet soon gave way to a cold stone path as he now stood just arm's length away from the doors. 

    Caishen took a deep breath as he peeked through the doorway before squeezing through. Now standing in a large dimly lit room he shuffled forward, his scarlet eyes drifting over the room as he took in the rows of stone statues around him.

    His whole body shivers, as he feels the hundreds of cold eyes seemingly follow him as he makes his way to the center of the room. Their stares pierced through him as if daring him to take another step in their presence. 

    Caishen brings his hand out in front of him, concentrating on creating a flame to light the way and warm himself. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion as nothing happens. Not even a single spark seems to jump from the palm of his hand.

     "That won't work here, young firebender." A voice called out from behind him, Caishen spun on his heel to come face to face with a man. 

    "Who are you?" Caishen asks, his careful eyes locking with the strange man. 

    "You mean, you don't recognize me? Don't tell me my name has been lost to history already?" The man smiles gently at Caishen, his eyes glinting mischievously. 

    At this, Caishen takes a step back to take in the man's appearance. He seemed to be in his 30s. his eyes kind but tired. He donned blue Water tribe clothes and had a polar bear dog pelt adorning his head. 

    Avatar Kuruk, Caishen realized.

    "Avatar Kuruk! Please forgive me!" Caishen gasps, dropping his head down in a quick bow. "I didn't realize-"

    "Child, it's okay. It has been a long time since my time as avatar, and I more than most know that I was not the most...active in your physical world." He interrupts, raising a hand to halt me.

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