Aang Makes a New Friend

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        Aang walks up the winding pathway through the Southern Air Temple, his eyes on his feet as they kick through the clumps of weeds sticking up through the cracks as he makes his way through his home. 

        His home...Can he even call this place home anymore? When everyone he knew is...

        Aang lets a grimace fall on his face as he stops, taking a shaky breath as he tries to calm himself. He can't let himself go back into the avatar state now, not after Katara just managed to calm him down. 

        At this thought, Aang turns to look back at where Appa is resting, and where he can see the girl in question unloading the gear to make camp for the night. Her brother, Sokka is on Appa's saddle dropping a rolled sleeping bag down to where Katara gracefully catches it. Their newest member, Momo lies curled up on Appa's nose as the two Water Tribe siblings work around them. 

        Aang feels his face heat up as his eyes follow Katara, quickly turning away and continuing up the mountain path. 

        After calming down and exiting the Avatar State, Katara had suggested they set up camp here before starting back out on their journey to the North. Aang had eagerly agreed, more than happy for any excuse to see more of his old home again. Sokka hadn't been as happy, grumbling under his breath about the lack of meat and creepy haunted temples. 

        Aang had told his friends that he would be back and just needed some time to himself. After some promising that he was fine and would stay calm, Katara had approved, with only a slight look of worry on her face as Aang walked away. Aang now had made it halfway up the path, his stormy grey eyes fixated on the Avatar Statue Room looming ahead of him. 

        He hadn't mentioned it to the two siblings and to be honest with himself, Aang had been trying to ignore it himself. But there was something there that was calling out to him. Every time his eyes wandered to the large doors he felt something tugging on his soul, calling him to come back.

        Aang stopped in front of the large doors as he closed his eyes, feeling the quick beating of his heart as he felt the tug again. His eyes fluttered open as he licked his lips nervously, his knuckles turning white as his grip tightened on his staff. 

        "Now or never I guess..." He murmurs to himself, taking another shaky breath before finally stepping into the chamber. 

        Aang felt the temperature drop drastically as soon as he stepped inside. The stone eyes of his past lives stared down at him as he shuffled forward. His feet kicked up 100 years of dust until he stopped in front of one of the large stone statues, his eyes looking up at the intimidating figure as he swallowed hard. 

        "What am I supposed to do Roku? How are you supposed to help me?" Aang whispers before lowering himself down onto the floor, crossing his legs.

        Aang closes his eyes before continuing, "I never wanted this. I'm so...scared...and confused. I tried to run away and ended up letting my people get massacred. And now, I feel so alone." Aang's voice cracks as he wipes his face on his shoulder when he feels tears rolling down his cheeks. "What do I do now-"

        Aang is cut off as he hears a loud thud behind him. Jumping to his feet, Aang turns to the source of the noise, raising his staff cautiously as he approaches. As he gets closer he notices a small wooden box on the ground. Frowning, he crouches down by it, running his fingers over the intricate carvings decorating the box. Aang glances up at the small shelf the box must have been resting on, now broken and hanging on the wall, swinging gently from left to right. 

        As Aang's eyes drift back to the box, he realizes that he's seen it before. It's the box Gyatso had tried telling him about. 


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