Chapter 14: Traveling together Mist and Lock (Bad Pov)

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TW: Swearing.

(Bad Pov)

The silence seeping between both teams of Genin and our Jōnin sensei's was staggering. None of us were talking or so much as batting an eye at each other. The silence was matched only by the tension between all of us.

It was a tension so thick and yet so thin, that even the vail of mist that surrounded the Mist village was unable to compare to this tension. A dangerous kind of tension. One that was so dangerous even I was on edge.

I was walking with my hands in my pockets, gripping the scroll that contained my weapons. Fully prepared to fight if needed. This was a feeling I didn't like having, but I knew as a ninja I had to be on guard.

In fact I wasn't the only one on edge. Everyone was on edge, Dream, Sapnap, even the ninja from the Lock, all of us were on edge with the exception of Momochi sensei. he seemed to be the only one who wasn't on edge, though all three of us were well aware Momochi sensei was able to hide his emotions and especially his killer intent.

Over the span of their training with Momochi sensei, they had become very well acquainted with the fact their master was able to weaponize his killer intent, as well as keep it completely hidden. Dream, Sap, and I figured out the day we met him, when he entered our classroom, he had used his killer intent to paralyze and silence all of us.

The fact that Momochi sensei wasn't visible on edge meant nothing, so it was best for all three of us to stay on-

"This is ridicules, no?" I turned my head and was face to face with deep dark eyes. I moved my head back a bit out of shock and realized the lock ninja named Skeppy was the one who had approached me. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean Skep?" He looked at me uneasy when I used the nick name, but quickly shrugged, "The fact that everyone is on such edge. It's crazy, its like if anyone even so much as breathes the wrong way it'll be full out war."

I nodded, "Yeah I know how you feel. It's crazy, I've never seen my team so tense, then again these muffin heads don't usually have a different team form a different village with us," I laughed. I noticed Skeppy tensed up a bit, but after a few minutes he relaxed.

"You know, your not exactly Mr. Easy going yourself Skep. I can tell your on edge, you don't trust us either. So your definitely one to talk." Skeppy sighed, "Your right, look how about we talk and get to know each other? I know it's not exactly the wisest thing to do, what with us being from different villages, but if we're going to be traveling together then we ought as well be chatty."

"That's a fine Idea, what do you say Punz sensei?" I spun around only to see Momochi sensei standing behind us. Skeppy's eyes bugged out of his head but I merely smiled. I was used to this, our sensei was a master of the silent kill technique and was able to move silently without being noticed.

Punz sensei turned around and nodded, "Yeah actually, I think that would defuse the stress between my team and yours." He scratched the back of his head and I noticed Sapnap blush. I also noticed him blushing and watching Punz and Karl closely. I thought it was just out of curiosity or something, however I wasn't quite sure.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," The brunette, It think he name was George, said. Dream nodded, "I agree with shorty here. it's not like were not going to be enemy's in the exam. Reveling out weaknesses and abilities to each other is dangerous. I don't like this plan Lo- I mean Koizumi sensei."

Momochi sensei nodded and brought his hand up to scratch his chin, "While you have a point, I wasn't encouraging any of you to spill your guts out over a cup of sake. All I'm saying is introducing yourselves and being civil can relieve some stress and get everyone on better terms. It's only a way to defuse the tension and get everyone to relax a bit. Don't you agree Punz sensei?"

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