Chapter 12: Important Mission to the Hidden Leaf

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Author note: So I think I messed up with the time line a bit. The tragedy that the Hidden mist suffered due to the hidden Stone happed ten years prior to the fourth great ninja war in Naruto which happens way into the future of this fic. So I think by the time this fic started technically the tragedy hadn't happened yet but I said it did. Lol so for the sake of this fan fic lets just say some events happen differently in this then in cannon/filler Naruto.


The air in the room seemed to all but disappear. It had been a while since the team had, had a mission. The mere thought of it was electrifying, but to hear it involved another major shinobi village just added to the overwhelming joy the three were feeling.

"Sensei, when do we leave? Oh my fuck this is going to be so epic," Sapnap shouted happily. Bad swatted him and muttered "Language," when they both received a stern look from the older mist ninja.

Said ninja raised an eye brow and frowned, "Who said you were going?"

The three ninja were even more confused. Their sensei had made a point to accompany them on every mission and ones where he couldn't he would assign, or more like threaten, Ao or Chōjūrō to be their squad leader,  he didn't trust Ganryū after their little mission to the main land eleven years ago.

Lord Momochi himself rarely went on missions without his team. This was due of course to the fact the village both saw it as more of an advantage having their strongest ninja in the village more often as well as the fact the village payed lord Momochi daily as if protecting the village was his full time mission. Not that the older ninja kept much of the money. He would often times donate it to those in need within the village, believing the money was better suited to help others then himself. A teaching all three of his students too to heart.

Dream was the first to speak, "Master, I know that this mission is important and more then likely dangerous, but we want to help you."

Lord Momochi nodded, "Your right, this mission is dangerous. In fact it's an S rank mission."

The three ninja were well acquainted with the mission system of the Mist village. No mission was off the table for those of lesser class like the three, however the more dangerous missions, A.K.A ones that would endanger the village itself, were handled only by the most trusted jōnin or Anbu of the village. A stark difference from the hidden leaf which dished out missions based off of ninja rank.

Even in the hidden Mist a S rank mission was held as the most difficult and dangerous for the village and its ninja. Not a mission the Dream team would be taking, even if their rank was higher then genin.

Dream, Bad, and Sap weren't idiots, they knew this mission would be dangerous, even without the mention of the mission being an S rank they knew it would be dangerous. The Hidden Mist wasn't close allies with anyone. Sure, they were allies with the Hidden Leaf, Stone, Sand, and Cloud. However when it came to teaming up or helping each other such a thing was unheard of. Their 'allies' status was merely an agreement that the five Hidden villages wouldn't go to war with each other and for the most part would stay out of the other fours business. 

The hidden Mist had allied up with the Hidden Stone in the past, only for the Tragedy of Yosuga Pass to happened, due to the betrayal of the Hidden Stone. Every since then none of the Hidden Villages ever teamed up or aided each other.

Which all meant the Mist village was more then likely acting without the consent or knowledge of the Hidden Leaf. Which was dangerous to do, such actions could lead to full on war between the villages. So anyone doing this mission would have to be cautions and not get caught.

"Who's going on the mission with you Sensei?" Sapnap asked annoyance clearly on his face.

"I don't know yet, I believe its supposed to be three members of the anbu. They'll be disguised as genin for this mission."

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