Chapter 2

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Hey guys, welcome back to another chapter! v(=∩_∩=)フ I hope you guys like it and become a peanut today (๑・ω-)~♥" If you guys don't understand what I call a peanut it is what I call my subscribers. ~we are small but mighty~

Light's pov

Ryuk didn't say a word after we started walking, I even forgot he was there for the first couple minutes. We walked around and stopped at the first room, it looked to be a conference room. A long table and several chairs were placed accordingly in the middle of the room. "This is our first stop, you might have guessed it already but this is our conference room." L said as he walked over to the computer chair at the end of the table. "Is there really this many people here?" I asked as I sat in the chair beside him. "We have a couple people, about 30 or so."

There's 30 people working on this case! This might get a little tough.

He got up and walked over to me and grabbed my wrist, "We still have four more rooms!" He drags me out of my chair as I stumbled to my feet. We walked out of the room and trudged down the hall but the thing is, he was still holding onto my wrist. He was holding on so tight, it was like he was afraid I was going to slip away. "We are here at the next room, the survalence room." He let go of my wrist and swung the door open. I walked in and stood there in shock. There were so many screens and buttons, I didn't know where to look. There was also a couch and a table in the corner of the room. "Hey Joe!" L said as we walked in. He just sat there staring at the screens as he waved a hand, he didn't say anything he just sat there... Staring. "Alright on to the next room!" He grabbed my wrist again and walked to the next room.

This door could only be opened by a pin number and the windows were tinted so that no one could see inside, "This is our research lab. This is where we record the death time and how we think the targets were killed. We also check major evidence here and let the scientist handle things." We have one more room and then we are done.

Standing at the last door he opens it and there were multiple people in there. "This is our break room." There was a mini kitchen with a fridge, two microwaves, and an oven. There was even a case full of desserts with a sign that says, 'Do not touch, for L only.'

I think L has a major sweet tooth.

I think almost everyone was in there. They were either eating or chilling on the couch and watching TV. The coffee table was scattered with empty beer cans, "Olimar, how many times do I have to tell you. Don't drink on the job." L said as he started picking up the empty beer cans and throwing them away. "But boss I'm not working I'm on break... For the next couple hours." He flopped over on the couch and fell asleep. I look over at L, he just sighs and looks over at me. "This is the usual Olimar, he'll be up soon enough," we started walking to the next room, "Even though he drinks on the job he's still helpful to us. He's the security guard for this place." We stopped at a staircase that led to the basement.

Down here is our jail. We have three cells and all of them have cameras so we know what's up. No one is down there at the moment but the people we suspect to be Kira will be held down there for a couple days or weeks. "Light be careful, you don't want to be caught." Ryuk said with a smirk.

WEEKS!? What if L actually finds out that I'm Kira? He'd probably kill me like how I want to kill Ryuk right now.

"Let's head back to my office, which is what you saw when you first walked in," He started walking and I just stood there, "What is it Light?" I looked up at him with a confused expression, "Oh I was just wondering where the restrooms were?" I lied but I havent gone to the bathroom yet, that couldn't be healthy. "They're at the end of the hallway to your left. Meet me back at my office when your done." I shuffled my way down the hallway and entered the bathroom. I looked around to see if anyone was in there before I started talking to Ryuk, and luckily there wasnt. I looked over at Ryuk, "Alright, I need you to do something for me." He folded his arms, "And what do I get out of this?" I reached in my magical pocket and pulled out an apple. He snatched it out of my hands, "I want you to look around this place to see if there's anything fishy, got it?" He nodded and disappeared.


After I was finished doing my business I walked myself to L's office, but I stopped when I was suddenly grabbed by someone.

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys but it had to be done sooner or later. I will try to update more often so look forward to it. Don't forget to become a peanut!! Have a great day!! (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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