Chapter 1

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Light pov

It was a new day, a new beginning. If you didn't know me already I'm 17. Today was the day I went to my dads work and become a detective on the kira case. "Light we need to go." My father yelled from downstairs. "Okay!" I threw on my clothes and ran downstairs, brushing my hair and teeth. The thing they don't know is that I'm actually the person doing it. Ever since I found this Death Note it's been...different. "C'mon Light," My father said once more, "There is someone I want you to meet, so hurry, you don't want to keep him waiting!" I was finally finished with everything, "Okay I'm finished, let's go!"

I dragged out a bag of apples, "Light why do you have apples?" my dad questioned as I threw them in the back. "A snack, I just love apples!" I lied, I absolutely hate apples. "Your going to eat all those?" He questioned again. "Yes dad, I am." lying once again.

My dad and I jumped into the car and zoomed off. "So who is the person you wanted me to meet?" I questioned as I looked his way. "You'll see when we get there, you'll have to be patient." he said with a sigh. I was so eager to meet new people. I forgot I was the bad guy until I looked in the rear view mirror, I was ignoring Ryuk and totally forgot he was there. Ryuk was sitting in the back seat talking to me about apples. Gosh does he ever shut up, most times I wish I had never found the Death Note. Then my phone vibrated, it was a text from Misa. Gosh another annoyance, I opened the text.

Misa: Hey where are you??

I sighed and turned my phone off. She would just bother me even more. "What's wrong Light?" My dad asked not taking his eyes off the road. "It's nothing, just Misa." I responded. "Light she's a nice girl you should give her more respect." He said taking a quick glance at me. I just sighed again, "Are we almost there?" I asked as my patience started to decrease. "Yes Light." He answered. I listen to see if Ryuk is still talking but all I hear is his last sentence, "And that's why I love apples so much!" I wasn't even listening to anything he said.

As much as I wanted to talk to him I couldn't because my dad was there. "We are here!" My dad exclaimed. I started getting butterflies in my stomach. I got out of the car and ran to the building and looked up. It looked about two stories high, it wasn't very big. With a huge know in my stomach I pushed open the doors to the building. There sat a guy with black hair and black eyes, wearing a white shirt and baggy jeans. He sat with his feet on the chair, and he wasn't even wearing shoes. Once I got a good look at him I thought he was pretty cute.

Wait what am I thinking he's on the other side. "Light meet L, he the boss here so listen to him." I stood in shock, that name was the name of the person I hated the most. "Hi I'm Light." I had total mixed feelings and didn't know what to do. " I'm L." He said as he spun back around and worked. Well then, I guess I'll try and talk to him more later. "You'll be down here with L, I have to go work on more things." My dad says as he walks away. I take a seat next to L, "So..." I said as I look at what he's doing. "Sorry doing work. What did you want?" He said as he looked at me. That's when I noticed he had dark circles under his eyes. "I, uh, wanted to know if you could show me around?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not." He got up. He was about my height, just a little shorter. "Thanks." I got up to follow and noticed Ryuk was behind me. I really hope he doesn't start talking about apples again...

*~Welcome readers!! I hope you like it so far, I stayed up pretty late working on this. It may not be perfect but as long as you try it will be fine. Don't forget to follow me and vote! Also if you have any suggestions I would looovvveeee to hear them!! Thanks again! ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ~*

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