This made the the citizens gasp in terror?!!!!!!!!!! He was gonna use alot of people here as guinea pigs for The Lazarus Pit not caring about the consequences?!!!!!!!!!!! Ra's Al ghul smirked evilly and pointed to the townsfolk and then they all charged with him and some of his assasins even heading to Imelda, Alania and the orphans!!!!!!!!!

Imelda and Alania gasped and got wide-eyed in fear and some of the orphans screamed as the 19 friends went in front of them ready to fight. But before they could attack them there was a grenade thrown in front of Ra's Al Ghul and the assasians with him and couple seconds later the grenade exploded knocking the villains down. Imelda, Alania and the orphans including the group of 19 friends looked up and smiled as they saw a small group of heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes jumping down some roofs and in front of Ra's Al Ghul and his assasins. The League Of Assasins growled when they saw them as Ra's Al Ghul and the assasins with him got up and dusted themselves off.

"Ra's Al Ghul you shall not touch these innocent civilians as long as we're here!!!!!!!!!!" one of the heroes exclaimed.

"Oh really and what are you gonna do about it?" asked Ra's Al Ghul evilly with an evil grin.

"Oh you don't even fucking know bastard." one of the anti-heroes answered with a smirk.

"Yeah let's just it will be so deadly it'll send shivers down your spine." said one of the vigilantes with a smirk.

"Attack!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ra's Al Ghul exclaimed as he pointed towards the heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes.

The assasins did just so as The League Of Assasins fought them. The heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes looked at the crowd.

"We'll hold them off some of you get the other civilians to safety!!!!!!!!!" the exclaimed while fighting The League Of Assasins.

Alot of the citizens nodded as many of them went including the group of 19 friends and Alania. Feeling very nervous Imelda reached out for them. She was too late to grab the 19 friends hands but she grabbed her sister's hand.

"Hermanita no you and the children that ran off get inside now!!!!!!!!" yelled Imelda fearfully.

"No Imelda the people here need our help and besides you know that they can take care of themselves and I'll be fine too." Alania said sternly.

"But......." started Imelda fearfully.

"Oh Hermana Mayor you worry too much everything's gonna be just fine." Alania said with a wide smile.

Knowing that she couldn't convince her otherwise Imelda closed her eyes, sighed and reluctantly let go of Alania's hand.

"Be careful." said Imelda fearfully.

"Don't worry I will." Alania said with a nod.

Then she ran off to help the townsfolk out.

Meanwhile the group of 19 friends were helping many of the citizens get to safe hiding places. They knew how dangerous The League Of Assasins were and they were not gonna let any of those fucked up monsters hurt anybody here especially those that they cared for. When any of The League Of Assasins tried to grab one of the citizens while they fighting the heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes to hold as hostage they actually fought them themselves and thanks to the fighting classes that they took they were actually very good and were able to overpower them. This impressed the heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes immensely as they saw potential in them.

When the citizens that were taken to safe hiding places were safe the citizens that helped them ran off to go hide themselves. While the 19 friends were running back to the orphanage Alania joined them and smiled proudly at them.

"Good job niños and niñas see I told you that you can help people in a big way." said Alania proudly.

"Thanks Alania." the group of 19 friends said in unison with small smiles.

"You're welcome." said Alania with a nod.

A couple minutes later they finally arrived back at the orphanage as Imelda had the door open and motioned them inside. The 19 friends were able to get inside but Alania was far behind.

But little did they know was a member of The League Of Assasins snuck off while the heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes weren't looking and fallowed. With an evil grin he jumped up and aimed his sword at Imelda!!!!!!!!!!! Alania noticed this while she was running and gasped as she ran faster.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" she exclaimed fearfully.

She pushed Imelda out of the way and sword stabbed her through the stomach!!!!!!!!!!! Imelda and the orphans gasped as they saw the League Of Assasins member grin evilly, pull the sword out of Alania and her land onto the ground.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed the 19 friends.

Them along with Imelda and the other orphans ran over to where Alania was laying on the ground.

"Alania. Alania wake up. MOM/MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the 19 friends cried.

"Alania. Alania please my sister don't leave us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cried Imelda.

The other orphans also tried to get Alania to wake up but it was no use. Alania was dead.

The League Of Assasins member that killed her was about to grab her body but he was knocked out by a hero. The group of heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes looked down sympathetically as they saw Imelda and the orphans crying with Imelda and the 19 friends crying the most as the 19 friends were hugging her body. They decided to let them grieve as they left while the hero that knocked The League Of Assasins member carried him away.

Some of the cops from Musutafu arrived as they arrested The League Of Assasins. Feeling like they deserved to die especially for what just happened the vigilantes and anti-heroes were about to kill them but some of the cops told them to stand down as they "had it." The heroes and some of the other cops tried to tell them that the vigilantes and anti-heroes were legally in the right to kill The League Of Assasins and that given what they just did that they should but the corrupted cops just threw The League Of Assasins into their police cars ,angrily exclaimed that they had it and drove off which made the heroes, vigilantes, anti-heroes and the uncorrupted cops shocked. They just closed their eyes and shook their heads and then the uncorrupted cops drove off too and the heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes went to comfort Imelda and the orphans.

Little did the 19 friends know that this was only the beginning of their story.

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