"Aha! I knew there was something more to this than work!" Daniel said.

"Enough, all of you! Let the poor boy alone. His love life, or work life, is his own. When he wants us to share in it, he will let us know." Francesca set her sauce-covered wooden spoon down in a dish with a smack of finality. Martina went upstairs to release her children, and Daniel went out to the back porch to find his father. Francesca sat down opposite Lucas. "She is special, Lucas?"


"Calm down. It's just you and me. And I don't remember seeing you get so wound up about your siblings' teasing before. Do you like her as more than a colleague?"

"Yes. No. I'm not sure. And it's messy. Especially where Lily is concerned. I don't want to risk her getting hurt."

"Lily could use an upgrade in the mama department, Lucas."

"Maybe, but Aria isn't just someone who works with me. She's Lily's teacher."

Francesca paused and thought, absentmindedly rotating her wedding ring. "Yes, that's tricky. But the heart can find a way if it's meant to be. Don't close any doors, Lucas."

"I haven't opened any yet," Lucas said.


But he had. And the reason for that was literally holding the door of Helen's house open for Lucas to come in. He had offered to pick Aria up, but she said she was going to get to her mother's house early to help with dinner. She was wearing a soft floral skirt in autumn shades with a creamy blouse. She smelled like gardenias, and Lucas took his time walking past her. He found himself wanting to create reasons to be near her.

Helen came out of the kitchen carrying a tray with a bottle of cabernet sauvignon and three wine glasses. She beamed at Lucas. "Welcome, Lucas! I'm so glad you could make it. I've been looking forward to this since I ran into the two of you in the coffee shop. Please, sit down." Lucas planted himself on one side of the white couch, leaving room for Aria. She chose an armchair across the coffee table from him.


This was not a date, and they were not a couple, Aria told herself firmly. She wasn't going to cozy up to him on the couch and give both him and her mother the wrong idea. She sat up straight in the armchair and crossed her legs. She just had to keep a lid on her mother and get though the next couple hours until she could escape. Simple.

Helen served Lucas a second helping of lasagna, while Aria picked at hers. Lucas said, "Mrs. Spencer, this lasagna is outstanding. It could give my mother's lasagna a run for the money, and I say that with great respect. My mother is a wonderful cook, but you clearly have a creative hand in the kitchen. I can taste the fresh basil, and the sun-dried tomatoes give the sauce a real punch."

Helen preened in the light of Lucas's compliments, while Aria tried not to roll her eyes. "It sounds like you know what you're doing in the kitchen, too, Lucas. Do you like to cook?" Helen asked.

"I do, and that's a good thing, because I need to feed not just myself, but my daughter Lily. She's a pretty adventurous eater."

Helen's eyes widened. "You have a daughter?"

"I do. She's six." Lucas smiled. "And absolutely the best thing in my life."

"Well, that is a surprise. You hardly look old enough to have a six-year-old," Helen said.

"I got married right out of college."

"I see. And your wife...?" Aria could see her mom tensing up. And knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Ex-wife. She and I split time with Lily."

"Oh, that's nice," Helen said, settling back in her chair.

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