Chapter 30

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OUAT fanfic
by myself

────────────[ currently

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[ currently ... ]
Once upon a time

When she had entered, the Loft-apartment, she noticed the sadened feeling that was thick in the living room space where most par Henry, who was most likely in his bedroom by now. The feeling made her more concerned than before after she had heard the sound of gunfire with Amo, "David? Mary Margreat? Emma? Is something the matter?..." she asks quietly and in worry as she looked at Emma mostly due to the woman holding her head in her hands.

Her words cause David to get up quickly and go over to her, "Elora, your safe. Something happened to Neal, and regina..." david trails off as his eyes look over at said woman who was laying in Snows bed. The evil queen looked at Cara while Snow's eyes looked over at Cara with the same look in her eyes as David did. This made Cara's brows furrow in confusion and worry, and while she didn't know Neal very much, all that he was Henry's biological father, she still could feel worry for him and what may have happened.

"What happened?" She blinks in worry as her bottom lip pursed out, staring at David, "he... Neal was shot, By Tamara, badly. He fell through a portal that was created.." David explains, making Cara's eyes widen, "oh... i see then... was he... was he shot near the pier at the warehouses?..." she swallows as she looked at David for a moment before at her Neice.

David sucks in a breath, "yes..." David trails off, making Cara swallow thickly, "i see then..." she mumbled, her brows furrow as she lets a breath out, "where were you anyways?..." he asks, scanning her face, making her tighten up, "no where." David looks at her, before he seems to believe her words, "alright then... go get some sleep Elora." He tells her, squeezing her shoulders. She nods as he lets go, letting her walk away and upstairs.

She sat next to, granny at the Park while Henry swung on something swing like, Granny had her cross bow in case of Tamara and that man that came out of town. David told her that morning that she should stay with Henry since 2 is better than 1 in case if Granny or anyone else wasn't able to be with him. She did note the fact that Gold was nearby, but she decided not to care about his presence. She watches Henry with a small smile like usual, "careful of the rocks Henry" she tells him, and he nods, "alright!" He grins as he kept swinging

Her head looked up as she saw David's car roll in, Snow, Emma, and David come out of it. And while Emma came over towards them, The other two adults were with Gold, Probably telling gold about what happened to Neal. She gets up as she went over to Granny to let Emma and Henry have their space. She looks over her shoulder as she watches henry wrap his arms around Emma, obviously heartbroken from the news that emma must have told him, which made her purse her bottom lip out. "You good?" Granny asks Cara, making her look at the elderly woman, blinking. "Oh! Yeah, i'm all good. Im just sad for Henry's loss..." she trailed off, looking at Henry again.

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