Chapter 10 The City Above the Clouds

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With no idea how long it would be until Moriarty struck out at the multiverse again, the Bureau's members worked frantically to prepare for their next mission. Dexter's new mapping system was wired into the Normandy's command deck, along with a radio system which would allow for the ship to stay in contact with Conran Base.
"Just how did you work out how to send transmissions across different realities?" Amanda asked as she helped lug equipment into the Normandy.

"It works on the same principle as Moriarty's teleporter," Dexter replied as he wired the different pieces of the radio together. "It opens a small portal and sends the transmissions through it."
"And you worked out how to do that in less than a day?"
"I had the teleporter to work from. It was really just a matter of copying it."
Amanda just shook her head in amazement.

While the team worked on the ship, the troops of the Flying Legion prepared defences around the base. Anti-aircraft gun positions were dug, and walls were reinforced with sandbags. Fighter aircraft were fuelled and armed, ready to take flight at a moment's notice. Lorries rumbled up and down the base, delivering ammunition and weapons. Legion troops were armed with the new M1 Garand battle rifle, Thompson submachine gun or Browning Automatic Rifles, while others were assigned to M1919 Browning machine guns or light artillery pieces. All these weapons could put out a devastating amount of firepower, but Shepard could not help but worry when he saw them.

"Those guns might as well be spit wads if Moriarty has weapons from our universe," he said privately to Garrus as they worked in the Normandy's armoury.
"I don't think you give them enough credit," Garrus replied, turning a small dial on the side of his sniper's scope. "All these guys have some combat experience, and I've seen the punch those rifles can put out. Even a krogan wouldn't withstand much punishment from them."
"It's not krogan I'm worried about. If Moriarty's got something like a geth dreadnought on his side, then these guys are gonna be massacred."

"I doubt Moriarty's got anything like that on his side, and you heard what Captain Sullivan said. All these guys signed up to fight."
"I hope you're right," Shepard muttered, sliding a new heavy barrel into his M-76 Revenant, "Otherwise we're not going to have anywhere to land after this mission."
A sound of static cut off his thoughts.

"Commander," Joker's voice crackled through his radio, "You'd better get up to the bridge. Dex said they've just picked up a signal. Looks like Moriarty is making his move."
"I'll be there in a minute," Shepard replied, putting the Revenant on a nearby workbench and heading for the ship's lift.
"I had hoped the professor would give us more time to prepare," Garrus said, putting aside his sniper rifle and following Shepard.
"The wicked don't rest," he replied glumly.

A little over a minute later the two hurried into the CIC. The multiverse map was already displayed, a red marker moving across it. Dexter was beside one of the new pieces of radio equipment, making some final adjustments with a screwdriver.
"What have you got for me?" Shepard asked, strolling up to the CIC so he could look down at the map.
"We just picked up a signal moving through the realities," Dexter replied, finishing his work, "It's gotta be Moriarty."
"You know his destination yet?"
"No, but we will once that marker stops. When that happens you'll be able to follow."
"How far ahead of us will they be?"

"Hard to say, but I wouldn't think more than an hour."
"Is your tracking equipment ready?"
"Someone will need to keep an eye on it in order to keep it transmitting back to me, but yeah, it's ready.
"Good. In that case, you'd best get back to your workshop.
Dexter nodded and held out a hand.
"Good luck Commander."
Shepard took the inventor's hand and shook it firmly.
"Same to you Dex."

Dexter ran for the lift and Shepard keyed his radio.
"Attention all Normandy crew," he said, "Report to the CIC at once. We will be taking off in five minutes. Any Flying Legion personnel should leave the ship at once."
Having finished his announcement, Shepard checked the multiverse map on the CIC's projector to see where Moriarty's forces were. The marker had moved across the map to a universe not far from the one they were in, and appeared to have come to a stop.
"Joker," he said, "It looks like they've reached their target. Do you have the coordinates?"
"Yeah, I got 'em. It shouldn't take us more than a minute to get to the universe, and about half an hour to travel to the target area once we're there."

The lift opened behind him and Tali exited, along with the Doctor, Sarah and Sergeant Benton.
"What's the news?" the Doctor asked.
"Look's like Dex's system paid off," Shepard replied. "We've got a trace for Moriarty's next raid. We'll only be behind them by an hour or so."
"Very good," said the Doctor. "Have you heard anything else?"
"Not yet, but EDI will be able to carry out scans once we're there."
The lift opened again and Sherlock exited.

"The Legion's personnel have just disembarked and the cargo hold's closed," he said. "We can take off as soon as you're ready."
"Excellent," Shepard replied before keying his radio, "Joker, take us up."
"Roger that," the pilot answered.

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