Prologue Part One

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"A chance to do what, Ben and Dylan? Destroy us?" Queen Leah asked, outraged at the sight of seeing the daughter of the woman who cursed her child walking around the kingdom of Auradon. It had seemed as though the future royal advisor of Auardon become smitten with the purple haired fairy while on the other hand the future king of Auradon himself seem to be smitten with the young lioness and the two young males somehow thought that the villainous children from the Isle could change. "You remember, don't you? The poisoned apples, the spells. Spells!"

Turing to Mal, Queen Leah seemed to grow even more outraged. "My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" Queen Leah exclaimed, quickly turning back to Ben and Dylan to finish her speech. "You mustn't trust her or this murderous lion."

Sade, the young lioness girl had long wild black bushy curls of hair with several white streaks and neon green eyes with a scar across her left eyebrow who happens to be the only child Zira and Scar had together, let out an loud animal growl at Queen Leah in warning as she felt her eyes glow a fiery red color with jet black shades around them in rage. Queen Leah and all of Auradonians step back out of fright. But if one looked closely at Mal's face, one might have noticed an apologetic look on her face. Or at least what came close to an apologetic look for someone who spent their entire life on the Isle of the Lost. She opened her mouth to apologize for her mother's actions.

Granted, her mother wasn't completely guiltless-I mean the christening of the newborn princess was the social event of the year. King Stephen and Queen Leah invited those clods Flora, Fauna, and Merrywether to the christening, but her mother wasn't. The same woman who Queen Leah had referred to as 'your excellency' hadn't even warranted an invitation.

(I mean, let's not forget Mother gave them the chance to apologize before that idiot Merrywether opened her mouth), Mal thought, having read the royal transcript of the event. But she doesn't get blamed for sleeping beauty getting cursed! No, she's one of the 'good guys'. (Also, can I just point out that Mother's curse was to take place on the child's sixteen birthday? She could have been raised at home!)

Before Mal or anyone could say anything, though, a bright light shone through the courtyard, blinding all of them in the process. When Mal recovered her sight, she gasped at who was standing before them, and she nudged Kai, which cause Kai to snap back in reality and eyes turn back her natural neon green color.

"Bibbity-bobbity." Fairy Godmother exclaimed and quickly knelt down at the sight of a woman dressed in all blue and shining golden hair.

"Blue Fairy." King Beast sighed in relief and released his wife and son from the protective hold he had on them. "To what do we owe the honor?"

The Blue Fairy smiled at the king of Auradon and nodded her head in a return greeting. "Your majesties. I do apologize for interrupting. After all, this is Family Day, and I have no children of my own here. However, I couldn't help but hear this young woman and her friends being attacked and no one other than Ben and Dylan stepped in to assist."

"Blue Fairy." Queen Leah sighed in relief, thinking she would finally have a powerful enough ally to get those wretched children out of the school and back to the Isle where they belonged.

"Yes, Queen Leah, did you have something else you'd like to say about fairies?" Blue Fairy turned to the aged queen and asked, her smile having vanished from her face. Queen Leah frowned and flushed in part frustration and part embarrassment that the most powerful magic user in the land had heard that.

It didn't help that Fairy Godmother was now frowning at her in disappointment.

"Your majesty." Blue Fairy turned back to King Beast. "Have you ever looked into the conditions of the Isle you left all of the villains in the land?"

The king's silence told the Blue Fairy all she needed to know. "Your majesty, I do apologize for what I'm about to do."

Although the conditions seem unwell,

Let us see where villains dwell

Though it may seem absurd

Heel the wound between our worlds

Another round of bright light appeared and surrounded the whole party. When it faded, several people gasped upon seeing that they were no longer on the grounds of Auradon Prep.

"I have transported all of us here in this magical theater room just between worlds. I rule this place and, as such, made it clear that no magic, but my own can be used." Blue Fairy explained.

"Blue Fairy!" Cinderella exclaimed. "Why have you done this?"

"It needed to be done, dear." Blue Fairy said calmly. "Fairy magic is powerful, but it can only do so much. I happen to agree with our young future king and his royal advisor here that these young children should be given a second chance. It might just be necessary to show why that is important instead of telling you."

"They're villains!" An Auradon parent protested.

"Just like their parents!" Another Auradon parents commented.

Sade scoffed with an eye rolled unoffended at the group of so-called heroes insults. "Hypocrites." Sade muttered under her breath.

Unlike Mal, who tried her hardest to keep a straight face, to make sure that no one thought her weak or thrown by the insults. On the Isle, that's how you were raised. If you were offended by insults, then you wouldn't make a good villain.

But to see these people, these heroes refuse to allow them a second chance....Mal wouldn't deny that it was more than a little heartbreaking to see that only Dylan and Ben had faith in them. Even Lonnie, the one girl Mal thought it might be good to know on a non-wand related matter, was keeping silent, including Jane, who she befriended.

"Wow, I'd never thought I'd see Aladdin refuse to give someone a second chance." Jay muttered as he slid up to Sade, taking his place on her left side as Mal linked her arms with Sade right arm. Evie swiftly looped her arm through Mal's right arm-Carlos, taking his place on Evie's other side.

"Guys, maybe we should just sit down." Mal whispered to her four best friends.

"Honestly, with how hostile it is, I'd rather be anywhere but here." Carlos told her. "But Sade, you know the most about magic." He added before he glanced at Mal. "And after all, Mal, your mom used to be a fairy. If you guys think it's safe, I'll follow you both."

Jay nodded. "Yeah.

"You know I'll always be there, Sade, Mal." Evie smiled at her two girl best friends. "Just...keep me away from Snow White. Her husband's glaring at me, and I'd rather not be yelled at."

Sade scoffed and crossed her arms as she gave Cinderella husband a death glare. "I would like to see him be bold and try something."

"Well, honestly, he doesn't have a leg to stand on here." Mal commented. "If he's going to judge us for who our parents are, then I'll just judge him for kissing who he thought was dead, girl."

"Exactly." Sade agreed with a nod. "I will gladly enjoy mauling him, Simba, and their family right here just for fun." She wicked said grinning as she noticed Simba glaring at her from across the theater room, so she happily sticks the middle finger up at him, causing her whole crew to laugh.

"I love the fact that you have no filter, Sade." Mal smirked.

"As if." Sade scoffed with an eye rolled.

Mal, though, couldn't help but feel relieved at the thought of another magic user other than Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother may have been powerful, but Blue Fairy was someone on the side of good that you did not mess with.

Even her mother Maleficent had said that at one time or another.

A small frown appeared on Blue Fairy face at the obvious divide between where the Auradonians sat and where the Isle kids were. "Oh!" Blue Fairy urged as she glanced at everyone in the theater room. "I forgot their will be a few more important people I will be bringing here before we get started."




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