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*cutely forgets Uraraka and 7 others in the introduction or whatever*

I missed Uraraka, Yaomomo, Jiro, Mina, Monoma, Reiko, Komori, Hatsume anndddd that's it :3
And since Izuku already has a quirk one for all goes toooooooo


I didn't want it to start out like... this. I was supposed to be a hero, then again, I don't mind the sound of their helpless screams.

The feminine boy stood in front of a group of citizens burning. He didn't do this himself, he had simply... made the wrong decision.

Their screams were drowned out by a cop who had mistaken him as a witness. "Ma'am, I'll need to take you in for questioning." Izuku's mouth was agape. "What?" He put a dramatic hand over his chest as the officer asked this. A fake tear went down his cheek as he dramatically turned his head away. "To be mistaken for a woman, I envy your ability not to care about how I feel." The cop was making the 0-0 face, and before he knew it, the white haired boy had vanished.

It was too early for such a young teenager to be outside, so he looked into it. This kid was at almost every recent crime scene, his face covered in all but one. The very first. Even then the footage wasn't clear enough to see his face.

He banged his head on the desk in frustration.

Aizawa had always been tried. Even more so than his students, so of course he misses small details about his students. The exhaustion Midoriya displayes and how little he eats at meals, Kirishima's infatuation with the boy, Uraraka's thin arms and sudden dizzy spells, the three were always off.

But the tired teacher didn't notice, not until it became more obvious, when Izuku started refusing to eat anything his classmates made, Uraraka getting horrifically sick because of all the water she drank, to fill her stomach, and Kirishima constantly threatened anyone who so much as looked at Midoriya.

He immediately sat the three down separately.

"Stop threatening your classmates." He simply ordered. "Why should I?" Kirishima was the first to go out of the three. "You're clearly scaring and confusing them, and it's not very hero-like," he continued with a line he knew would hook Kirishima. "Or manly." Kirishima crossed his arms. "Then tell them to stop staring at what's mine." Aizawa had a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" His voice shook. "Midoriya," he paused. "Tell them to keep their grimy hands away from him." His eyes widened and his voice lowed to a whisper. "... I'll talk to the class...." Lmao that's not happening—

I mean—
Several days later, moving on to Uraraka.

"I want you to have more than just water. Your body needs proper nutrients, you can't survive on just fluids." She rapidly shook her head. He groaned. "Eat or I'll be placing you on house arrest." She clenched her seat tightly.

"Whenever I eat what I'm given, I feel sick to my stomach... I'd have to eat something more specific than the food here..." he stared at her. "And that is?" She grinned. "I'm sure after you talk to Deku, he'll get it for me everyday." He froze. "I never mentioned talking to him." She let out a long sigh.

"You don't plan on talking to others either so I thought I'd take it into my own hands to inform you, we all knew this conversation would happen. I just had to guess who talked to you when. Kirishima was pouting like a baby after he left your office on Tuesday, so I'd assumed either me or Deku would be next, so tell him I said 'Hi'." And with that she stood and headed for the door. "Wait! We aren't finished he—" he abruptly stood up but she was already gone.

"God damn it..."

"Has Mr. Aizawa brought you to his office yet?" She asked the Albino boy. "No... ugh, I'm bored. And I need an excuse to go out and get our food." He stared down at his phone, waiting for nothing in specific. Maybe a text from Kirishima, or Aizawa asking him to see him in his office. What he unexpectedly got, was an unknown number. He stared at it before opening the conversation.

Hey, I've seen you around a lot, wanna grab some drinks? My treat!

"Who is it?" She leaned over to look at the text. "Maybe you should say yes and make Kiri jealous." She teased. He only giggled.

1. Im far to young for drinking, I'm only 15
2. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm male

He set the phone down, only to pick it up seconds later from the vibration. He stared at the text in disgust.

So? I don't care about age, and gender doesn't matter with that quirk you've got! I've seen you switch like nothing, and no matter how much you use it, you end up like a crackhead. It's just a few drinks, and you can stay at my place for some fun.

"Ew..." was all he heard from his brunette friend, who was hovering over him. He set his phone down, and rubbed his face. "I'd rather die than say yes..."
"Block his number!" She snatched his phone. After a few frustrated taps on the screen, she threw it. "I can't find it anywhere!" She huffed and crossed her arms. "It's not a big deal, I just won't respond. It's not like he can get into the school anyway." He looked at his phone and picked it up. "Yeah, but don't take this lightly. I had a stalker in middle school, she got into my room and stole one of my bras..."

"How do you know it was her?"
"Because she was arrested for sexual assault and necromancy, they found it in her room." A disgusted expression displayed itself on his face. "I got her out over the summer though..." he raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She fidgeted with her fingers. "So uhh... you know how I started cannibalizing people over the 10 month period before this..." he nodded. "So um... I couldn't find anywhere to put her leftovers so I kinda gave them to you... remember that bag of meat?"

"I'm... going to... KILL YOU!" He lunged at her and put her in a friendly head lock. "I thought you'd know it was old since you were at it a lot longer!" She coughed a bit. "I got sick because of you!"

"C-an you let go-!" She struggled to get out and started coughing. He loosened his grip enough for her to breathe. "I will when you apologize!" She tried kicking him off but he grabbed her leg. "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He let go of her and stood up. "Good girl." She dusted herself off. "Better stop saying shit like that, or maybe that guy won't be the only person inviting you places." She teased. "But seriously though, figure out how to block his number."


"Your phone is ringing."

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