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Okay, let's start off with some... introductions

Izuku Midoriya: yall know him he's the protagonist
Quirk: Blood Bath
Blood consumption is quite common for most villainous quirks, but they never said it was supposed to be drunken. If he injects a persons blood into his bloodstream he will gain supernatural abilities, example, being able to control human corpses and force them to go after their mounting families. Just an example :3
Yall gon see the real deal in the story heheheh
Quirk effects: Highness, getting sick often, feeling the need to eat human flesh 24/7

Kirishima Ejiro: Obsessed with the protagonist
Quirk: hardening. He can harden his skin to make it a protective shell. But hey, it's not the only thing that's gonna be hard tonight ;3
Quirk effects: it causes him to be extremely brittle, Even tho a diamond is the hardest natural substance, a sudden shock at the rightspot can easily shatter it. In RPG terms, Kirishima has high DEF and low HP.

Tamaki Amajiki: shy lil gangster
Quirk: Manifest. grants him the ability to manifest the physical characteristics of anything he's eaten; for example, if he eats takoyaki, he can transform his fingers into octopus tentacles. The more of a substance Tamaki eats, the stronger his manifestation will be.
Drawbacks: If Tamaki's system were to run low, this would render him unable to manifest any characteristics

Himiko Toga: let's just say... she doesn't like the league anymore...
Quirk: Transform. Himiko's Quirk grants her the ability to transform into a physical lookalike of another individual, as well as copy their voice. She can only transform into people whose blood she has ingested. The more blood she drinks, the longer she has access to that person's form.
Drawbacks: Is obsessive and has dificulty controlling her psychopathic tendencies. Her Quirk cannot replicate their targets personality, knowledge, abilities, and other such details.

Shinso Hitoshi: Like a brother I must say
Quirk: brainwashing
puts his targets into a state where they have to obey whatever he commands, as long as it's a clear and precise action. Unfortunately, this power can only be activated when the target verbally responds to something Shinso says.
Drawbacks: he cannot make his victims perform tasks that require advanced cognitive abilities

Just a couple ppl :3
Yall know the rest of em I only found these ones important
Oh and they aren't part of the league, instead a much more... formal group as The Boss would say.

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