Chapter 1

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Some chapters will have scenes of nudity descriptions and other details that are not for younger audiences. Read at your own risk.

He breathed out a long sigh as he stood by the empty fireplace, looking down at it as if it could answer all his questions, but knew he never would.

He had seen kingdoms rise and fall, seen city's become swallowed whole by seas or natural disasters. He had seen the birth and the end of the universe so many times, he had gotten tired of it. In those years, he had never found his other half, someone that he would start a family with and make her immortal like himself. Well that was until last year, when his old business partner had passed away and he was the guardian of his daughter.

He knew as soon as he laid eyes on her beautiful face, that she was his, his soul. Sadly she had disliked him as soon as she laid eyes on him, but to be honest the stories of her father's dealings with him and the incident at the wake he wasn't surprised in the slightest.

But now.......shifters used to disguise themselves from humans, they never made themselves known, they would go about their business in the human world and then go back to their own realm straight afterwards. But that had changed drastically, 2 weeks ago on a sunny afternoon it started, slowly at first but it soon became like a tidal wave of blood and body parts littering the streets. The streets became a river of blood. They called for the army but they too were no match for the shifters. There madness had broken them.

Once they had finally gotten hold onto there beasts inside of them 2 thousand people laid dead, from all the way up in Scotland to lands end in Cornwall.

The powers that be, must of been playing a joke to the pitiful humans, they had designed a school for the women folk so to be taught in the ways of looking after a shifter.

He rubbed his hand over his face in exhaustion and anger, he read and re-read the document so many times that he now had a headache, a headache that was a painful as the dread in his heart.

As soon as Emma, 'his' Emma came back, she would have a week until she would have to be sent to that new school.

He was pulled out his thoughts when he heard a carriage pulling up outside the house, confused he walked over to the nearest window that looked onto the entrance to the house. He was shocked but happy to see Emma stepping out of the carriage, her cream coloured bonnet on her head, light blue dress, a couple of strands of her beautiful golden hair escaping from her bonnet. Emma had come early from her school in the countryside.

With a small glint of happiness, he left the room to greet her in person.


I wasn't excepting to leave Harrington School for young ladies so soon, but I suppose at the same time no one excepted to have monsters in human skin to take over the world. The mistress had drunk herself silly and shut herself away in her office when we had all left for home before being sent to a new school.

Mr Hawkins, my farther's old business partner had been my guardian for over a year now, after my father's passing. I tried to have not listen to the stories of him and his horrible dealings, but how could I when he had beaten one of the footmen with a stick.
Luckily I had not been in his company for a while, with me being at school, he never harmed me, but how he acted and the stories about him was very hard not to like him.

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