Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Please, let's just take a moment, to remember every shucking Glader who came before us, who stood along side us, and died. Even the one's who turned, it wasn't their fault. They should be respected, and carried always in our hearts. And especially- especially to Alby. For being a fearless leader, until the very end. Wee never could've done any of this klunk without him. He was willing to die, in order to secure our protection. He made the ultimate sacrifice..." Newt trailed off, staring up at the clear, blue sky as everyone silenced, taking a moment of silence. Newt sighed, flashing a small smile as he nodded.

"Now let's get the bloody hell out of here before we start dropping like shucking flies." He said confidently. And with those last words of "inspiring" wisdom, we were off. Most everyone was getting the hang of running now, although as the sky continually grew darker, the clouds beginning to cover every trace of the sun as it sunk below the peak of the maze walls, even Minho was growing wary.

"Do we keep running after it gets dark?" One of the Gladers -I think it was Clint- questioned from behind me. Minho sighed, and without turning around, he nodded."It's not to much farther now. Maybe an hour. I think you'll survive." His voice was dry, bland, and void of life. I guess running in the maze at dark would do that to a person. We had yet to encounter a Griever, although their high pitched screeches, and clanking metal limbs we a constant sound of terror, distant as they were. I turned my head, catching a glimpse of Gally at the back of the crowd. Most of him was obscured by the others in front of him, but from what I could make out of his face, he seemed less than thrilled. I knew he had wanted to be close to me in the line up, but I also knew that he was one of the strongest, and needed to be able to protect everyone. If something were to go wrong, I didn't want him to be side-tracked with me, rather than helping everyone else to safety. I would manage on my own. I smiled kindly over towards Newt, who was jogging beside me. I noticed his limp was far more prominent now that we were running, but he managed to keep up with everyone else fairly well. He returned the smile, his face slightly reddened from the strenuous exercise. He had been working in the gardens so long, I didn't blame him.

"You ok, Newt?" I asked quietly. He smiled, nodding."Yeah, just reminded of so bloody much...that's all." He said, a distant look in his eye as we continued on. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. I thought only runners were allowed in the maze?"But...I thought you were a gardener? Have you been in the maze before too?" I questioned nervously. Newt's smile was small, as though he was overwhelmed with painful memories. He nodded."I used to be one of them. A runner. When we first came to the Glade." He said, his voice soft, barely above a whisper. My eyes widened. Something must have happened."What changed?" I said, my voice trying desperately to keep the sensitivity to the situation that it obviously required. Newt sighed, giving me a small, reassuring smile. It took a moment each time I spoke to catch my breath again. I wasn't exactly the most athletically built person around. And that was an understatement.

"Couldn't take it anymore. Climbed up the ivy on the wall, and I jumped. I bloody jumped. I guess you could say I changed. Or, I don't know, maybe I was always that way...and I just never bloody knew it. Anyway, I got caught in the shucking vines, got this limp, and well- you know the rest." He murmured quietly. My eyes filled with sorrow for Newt, and how hard it must have been for him. "I'm so sorry, Newt." He sighed, shrugging lightly."It was a long time ago. Besides, I'm a lot better now. And, I have people now, that I didn't have in my life before." He smiled, and I knew that the smile was genuine. I also knew that he was talking about Thomas. I nodded, suddenly reminded of a memory that must have been buried away, clouded by WICKED, but was now resurfacing. 

"I- I can almost remember someone, a friend. She jumped too. Not from a maze of course, but she jumped...I think..." I murmured softly. Newt's eyes widened slightly, and he pursed his lips together, giving me a small sympathetic smile.

"You remember what ever became of her?" He asked shyly. I bit my lip.

"Died, I think." I said, rather matter-of-factly. He let out a spurt of breath, nodding curtly. I bit my lip, knowing that it probably wasn't necessary to be so frank about it, but also knowing that anything else would have sounded purposefully softened, and would have probably offended him for skirting around the issue. We continued in silence, only a few people talking here and there, the constant noise of distant Grievers an ever-lingering possibility. We had been running for what felt like hours, despite Minho's comforts that we were nearly there. My legs ached beyond explanation, my feet were cramping and soar. The dust that was kicked up from the treading feet in front of me allowed plumes of dust to file up into my hair, sticking to the sweat on my face as I coughed, my throat dry and scratchy from the heavy, drawn breaths I was forced to take in order to keep running. We only took a few breaks, and they were no where near long enough. Even Minho and Thomas were growing weary.

"It shouldn't be taking this long." Newt managed to whisper, through a strained, hoarse voice. I nodded in agreement, forcing my speed to increase as I pushed my way past several Gladers, making my way up beside Minho and Thomas.

"Guys, we now..."I gasped between desperate breaths. Thomas nodded, looking to Minho for reassurance as the dark haired boy finally sighed, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah...I know..."He said, through short, quick spurts of air.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading, you're all so lovely. <3

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