2.9. Done Playing Games.

Start from the beginning

"Oh, but he will."

"No, you don't get it. I literally yelled into his face."

Sae laughed quietly, extending a hand. Y/N took it, letting the midfielder pull him to his feet. "Good. He deserves it."

"But I won't be put in the second half."

"You will. They have no choice."

"They'll choose someone else."

"No, they won't. I'll make sure of it."

"But he's the coach."

"He's a stupid coach."

"So he won't put me on." Y/N was determined to stay in his little bubble of sorrow. He hadn't realised he was following Sae, though, the two of them walking towards the dressing room with the rest of the U-20 players.

"...Are you even listening to me?"


"Then get your head out of the gutter." Sae reached across, slapping his head. Y/N recoiled, his own hand reaching for the spot where he'd been hit as he stared at Sae with wide eyes. "I told you, you're going on."

They headed into the dressing room. The players were already being checked over, downing bottles of water and energy drinks, a few of them choosing to change out of their sweat-soaked clothes into clean ones.

One man was being looked over by a medical team in the corner, making sure his leg was okay. Aiku was standing by a whiteboard at the front of the room, the starting lineup already drawn up in black marker.

"How do we wanna fight?" Aiku tapped the board with a marker in one hand, and a bottle of water in the other. He had a towel draped around his neck, and looked absolutely knackered.

"Ah, Sae!" One of the four defenders spoke up. Y/N didn't actually remember his name, and had to discreetly look at the name plastered on his shirt. Niou Kazuma... "We're just going to go over our game plan."

"Our offence was real good at the end of the half! We nearly scored!" One of the forwards, Kitsunezato spoke up. "Just a little more, and we can do it."

"What do you want us to do?" Somebody who Y/N vaguely remembered as Hayate called out. "Just help us win."

Sae strode right across the room, leaving Y/N standing at the entrance. He scooped up two bottles of water, tossing one to Y/N and opening his own. Everyone waited silently as Sae drank, picking up a towel after and drying the sweat off his neck. "I've already told you what I want from you. Absolutely nothing."

That stunned the room.

"W-what do you mean?" Hayate cautiously said. "We're all trying to support you, Sae. Help us win."

"Do you know what the role of a midfielder is?"

Hayate blinked with confusion. "Yes...? They provide chances, create opportunities and attacks, and link the defence and offence together."

Sae nodded once. "I have been doing that, all game. I provided four chances where the striker had a chance to score, and he failed every single time."

Said striker was sitting on a bench, head in his hands. Y/N watched as the man raised his gaze to Sae, clenching his jaw. "Yeah. I failed." His voice was quiet, low, and disheartened. "Sorry, guys. The game is my fault."

His team rushed to defend him, but Sae held up a hand. They stopped mid sentence. "You actually mean it?"

"Yeah..." Sendou barely managed to get the words out, like it physically hurt him to say it. "I'm weak. So please, help us."

Sae headed for the whiteboard. Y/N watched him, as he rubbed out the names of Sendou and Wakatsuki. Both players bristled slightly, as he wrote the name Y/N L/N in the striker's position, and Sendou in a supporting role next to it. "There's your help."

"Use the kid? He-" A single, neutral look from Sae was enough to shut Sendou up. Y/N's eyes brightened a little, and he kept his mouth shut, hoping they'd agree.

"This is my help." Sae stated plainly. "If you want to win, use Y/N L/N."

"He's inexperienced. And he's never played on the big stage before..." One of the other players mumbled. Y/N shot said player a dark, scathing glare. Sae just stood there.

"I don't know about this." Aiku finally said. "Using him is a huge risk. A hired mercenary from Bluelock is hardly going to be better than Sendou. We could put him in as a supportive forward, if you want...?"

Y/N gagged at the idea of being relegated to support. He wanted to go on, sure, but definitely not if it was as a support. His eyes shot dagger at the captain, who just gave him an amused grin. "Someone doesn't like that."

"With respect." Y/N swallowed back insults. "I'm a striker. Let me play as one."

"It's a big risk."

"Trust me."

"I don't even know you."

Pointing towards Sae, Y/N took a deep breath. "He believes in me. And you know him."

Aiku sighed. He looked towards Sae. "You really think this kid is going to help us win?"

The response was calm, and cold. "Yes."

A sudden silence filled the room. Y/N's heart was thumping, it being the only thing he heard as the players shared looks with each other. He wanted to be on. He needed to play.

"Does anyone have any objections?" Aiku quietly questioned.

"I have many." Wakatsuki, the forward Y/N would be replacing, mumbled. "But you might as well go and try it. We're losing without him anyway."


Y/N's heart swelled, so much so he thought he was gonna die from a heart attack. He couldn't help the grin that formed on his face, the butterflies in his stomach taking off in full force and fluttering up his throat. "So..."

"You're playing."

Everyone watched as the teenage boy let out a cry of happiness, bouncing in place on the balls of his feet. He didn't care, pulling his coat right over his head and leaving him in his jersey.

Yes, his jersey. Y/N had his own shirt, complete with his number 13 on the back and his name. He was already warmed up, completely ready to get out onto the field. Why is half time so long? 15 mins is way too long. Make it five. Let me out. I wanna go...

Grouping up, the rest of the players began to talk tactics. Aiku took over. "Now that that's sorted, we'll wanna try to support Y/N as much as possible. If his skill is good enough for Sae to want him to play, then we'll want to help him shine. Sendou, Kitsunezato, you're both there to..."

He completely blanked them out, choosing instead to focus on the swell of excitement growing throughout his entire body. Y/N leant against the wall, one leg folded to press his sole against the wall, the other supporting him.

This is my chance, and there's no way I'm going to let this slip.

Maybe he was going to feel a little bad, playing against Bluelock. He'd made friends with some of them, and they were the first people he'd really had fun with since Jules. But still, in the end, they didn't matter.

What mattered was becoming the best striker in the world. Sure, winning the game would condemn all of Bluelock, causing them to fade into obscurity once again. But Y/N didn't particularly care. He would get his fame, and the entire nation would know his name.

His eyes rested on the whiteboard, on his name written in black marker.

Get ready, Bluelock.

I'm done playing games. 

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