|Star-Crossed| - Lamine {Part 1} (Requested)

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[Requested by : DiorJude5 ]



Your family and your neighbours, the Yamal's, have had a long history of arguments and fights. Everyone in 'Esplugues De Llobregat' is fully aware of the vast tensions ongoing between these two households. 

Nobody really knows why or how their hatred for each other began...


It was time to get ready for your blind date! Your friend had set you up with one of their brothers' friends because they noticed how sad you've been after having your heart broken by a guy, to whom you lowered your standards for. You didn't want to go, but if you didn't, you knew that it would hurt your friend's feelings as they put so much effort in to this. You had never met his boy before and weren't shown any pictures of them, nor given a name. All you were told is that they are the same age as you, and would be wearing a blue Supreme jacket. 

You put on a pink cropped top and baggy jeans, nothing too fancy as you weren't ready to love again especially after what you've been through, a golden bracelet and a nice pair of boots. It wasn't long until the Uber, that your friend had pre-booked for you, arrived outside...

After a 10 minute drive, you arrived at an expensive Catalan restaurant. You thanked the driver before hesitantly getting out. A shiver rattled down your spine whilst you stood there gazing up at the building, you haven't been on a date for what felt like ages. All you wanted was someone to love you back.

 'What if he ends up using me like my ex? What if he cheats on me like my ex?' You thought to yourself. All these questions and thoughts swallowed you whole, now you were debating on whether to just leave. 

But your mother never raised a quitter, she was the whole reason why you got into RCD Espanyol academy. She made you put in that little bit more work than everyone else did.

After a long debate with yourself, you eventually pushed down your feelings and trudged though the towering restaurant's entrance. You were then welcomed by a friendly waiter who pointed you over to a table in the corner. 

As you made your way over to the table, you spotted him, with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Dressed in the blue Supreme jacket ,as you were told to look out for, light grey jeans, white top, a silver watch on his wrist and a pair of blue high-top trainers. His hair was a dark and a natural tight perm (slightly highlighted on the top), silver brackets on his pearly white teeth and dark brown eyes that were now staring back at you. 

However his face seemed familiar to you, but you couldn't work out where you've seen him from...

[His POV]

This was the first time I had been on a date since I broke up with my long-distance girlfriend, because I had finally given up on being the only one who tried to stay in contact and make our relationship work. My friend's sister had set me up, I knew nothing about the girl I'm going to be seeing, except for the fact that she was my age and would be wearing a pink cropped top. 

I put on my nicest outfit I had, a white tee, light grey jeans, a blue Supreme jacket, a silver watch and my favourite blue high-top trainers. I can't wait to meet her! And hopefully be in a relationship again, a happy and healthy one to be precise.

My friend pre-booked me an Uber, which had just arrived outside my house. I grabbed the fresh red roses, that my father had helped me pick out, off the kitchen counter and left the house. The drive there was very quick, all I could think about was the future, even though I hadn't met her, It had her in it.

I quickly thanked the driver, before rushing out. I don't know why I was so excited, she could be worst person ever, but I guess I didn't care, I just really want someone to love again.

I strode into the fancy restaurant with the bouquet tight in my hands, then I was greeted by a polite waiter who guided me to a table for two, in the corner. 

It was now 8:09pm, and we were meant to meet at 8. Had I been stood up? Maybe she's stuck in traffic, I'll her a few more minutes.  After frequently checking my watch, those extra minutes had passed. I was stupid to believe that something good would finally happen to me. But as I got up to leave, I spotted her, nervously walking in my direction. Dressed in the pink cropped top, that I was told to look out for, baggy jeans, a golden bracelet and a pair of boots. She looked so beautiful! Yet so familiar...

I will make a part 2 some day :)

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