|Video Calling| - Fermín

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You were just about to climb into your bed as you were extremely tired after a hard session at football training. However, your phone began to ring, you look at the bright screen and see an incoming video call from your childhood boy best friend Fermín. He barely calls you as you both are very busy with your own football careers, him playing all the way in Barcelona, and you playing all  in Madrid. It hurt you both when you moved from Barcelona to Madrid a few years ago to play for Real, but you knew that you'd regret it if you didn't. The only time you two could really talk during the football season was over text or call, which didn't happen very often.

You answered and the call began to connect. As soon as you both saw each others faces, you two shared a happy smile. He was wearing a casual white top, and had his PlayStation headset on. "¡Hola Y/N!(Hey Y/N!)" Fermín beamed, "¿Cómo es la vida madrileña?(How's the Madrid life?)

"Es bueno gracias, acabo de regresar de la práctica, muy agotado ¡pero me alegro de que hayas llamado!(Its good thanks, just came back from practice, very exhausted but I'm glad you called!)" You answered with a slight yawn, "¿Cómo es el Barça?(How's Barca?)"

"Está bien, Pablo está lesionado, así que lo extraño en los entrenamientos y los partidos y te extraño a ti, por supuesto. (Its okay, Pablo is injured so I miss him at practice and matches and I miss you of course.)" He replied, his smile fading slightly.  "Entonces, ¿qué estás haciendo ahora? (So what are you doing now?)"

"Relajándote en la cama, ¿y tú? (Chilling in bed, and you?)" You stated, with a soft smile. 

"Jugando videojuegos con Pablo y Pedrí.(Playing videogames with Pablo and Pedrí)"He responded readjusting his mic. 

"¿Quieres que te deje?(Do you want me to leave you?)" You inquired

"¡No, por favor quédate, me gusta ver tu cara!(No, please stay, I like looking at your face!)" He begged. You then looked away hiding your blush

A few minutes pass by, the call was awkward and silent, you just stared at him concentrating on his games. Ever since you were little you had a small crush on Fermín, however as time went on, you both grew older and moved apart, those feelings seemed to grow as well. You didn't know why or how but these feelings for him were strong but you didn't know how to confess because you were positive that he didn't feel the same back.

"Creo que estoy enamorada de ti Fermín. (I think I'm in love with you Fermín!)" You mumbled thinking that he wouldn't hear you as had his headset on talking to Pablo and Pedrí. All of a sudden, he takes off his headset and looks as you...

"Perdón, ¿qué dijiste? (Sorry, what did you say?)" He asked confused.

"!Nada! (Nothing!)" You snapped, anxiously.

"¿Estás enamorado de mí? (You're in love with me?)" He smirked.

You sheepishly looked away and nodded. 

"Estoy enamorado de ti también.(I'm in love with you too Y/N.)" He smiled.

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