|Doctor| - Pedrí

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"¿Cariño?(my darling?)" Pedrí called from your bedroom. 

"¿Sí, amor? (Yes love?)" You answered from the living room downstairs "¿Estás bien? (Are you okay?)"

"¿Serías capaz de conseguirme otra bolsa de hielo, por favor? Este está caliente ahora. (Would you be able to get me another ice pack please? this one is warm now.)" He asked groggily.

"Claro. (Of  course)" You responded heading over to the freezer in the kitchen. You pull out the coldest ice pack you could find, wrapped it in a towel before taking it up to your injured boyfriend. Carefully, you opened the door to your bedroom , which you both share, then walked over to Pedrí. 

"Aquí vas mi amor. (Here you go, my love.)" You whispered softly, taking the old, warm ice pack off his swollen ankle and replacing it with the new, cold one.

"Gracias. (Thank you.)" He smiled, "¿Y/n?"

"¿Sí Pedrí? (Yes Pedrí?)" You quizzed, combing your hands through his short, dark brown hair.

"¿Podrías quedarte aquí conmigo, por favor? Estoy solo sin ti Cariño. (Could you stay here with me? I'm lonely without you my darling.)" He requested, looking up at you with an innocent stare.

"¿No te estaría distrayendo cuando Xavi te dijo que descansaras y durmieras bien? (Wouldn't I be distracting you when you were told by Xavi to rest and get some good sleep?" You jokingly interrogated. 

"Duermo mejor cuando estoy a tu lado. (I sleep better when I'm next to you.)" He argued, his eyes still fixed on yours.

"Bien.(Okay.)" You hesitated, "Solo si te hace dormir, ¡no es una tontería! ¿Comprende? (Only if it makes you sleep better! Understand?").  He laughed, before nodding that he understands. You climb into his and your double bed, pulling the silk duvet over him and yourself. It wasn't long before you felt him wrap his arms around you. 

"Gracias doctor, su presencia me ha quitado automáticamente el dolor y ahora puedo dormir, así que quédese aquí, por favor, Cariño. (Thank you doctor, your presence has automatically taken away my pain and now I can sleep, so stay here, please, my darling) Pedrí whispered into your ear as he played with your hair.

"Buenas noches Pedrí. (Goodnight Pedrí.)"  You murmured, with a little smile.

"Buenas noches Y/n. (Goodnight Y/n)" He blushed.

-(Sorry if the Spanish is wrong, used google translate, hope you liked this one, it is quite short)

-(Also I am taking requests too)

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