Chapter 3

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Emily smiles at her work she made the Hylian Shield and remodel of the Gilded Sword. She got up carrying her new sword and shield heading inside to get her bag because she was finally going to get started on her sword sheath. It did take long before she was done. She put the sword and shield to her back and started to head out before she started to get tired and pass out.

Link Universe Pov

"When is the next portal coming?' 'Wind complained not wanting to stay in Four Hyrule forever and right when Wind said it a portal open in front of them. "I guess that answers your question Wind alright everyone get everything together we're moving." Time yells getting everyone's attention before they all begin to gather everything. Once everyone gathered all their items they went through the portal. Once they stepped out of it most of them felt sick Four even threw up. "Does anybody know where we are?" yells Time trying to see who Hyrule they are in.

"No" everyone yells back. "We have a new Link" yells Wind before they could even take a step something fell on top of Legend. "What the Hylia get off of me!!" Legend yells trying to push whoever was on top of him off. Much to his surprise whoever the person was was quite light. Once the person was off of Legend he saw it was a female with short hair and a sword and shield on her back passed out with dark bag under her eyes. "Where in the name of Hylia did she come from!" Legend yells still upset that someone used him as a landing pad. "I don't know, she just fell" replied Four. "It seems that she hasn't been sleeping well and it also seems like she was taken by a portal by surprise with how low her magic energy is." Hyrule said as he tried to heal her from any injury she might have gotten. (Picture of her is at the top)

"What do we do with her and when will she wake up?" Wind asked "By my guess I'll say a day or two" Hyrule said. "I say we leave her here" Legend said "We can't leave her here Legend there most likely monster near." Time said. Before anything else was said the bush rustled everyone pulled out their sword before someone with a hood over their head came out. "What are you people doing way out here?" The person with the hood said "We got lost and someone seemed to pass out and landed on one of my friend." Twilight said looking back at Legend who pulled the girl sword out and was examining it.

Once Time saw the sword his eye widened before taking it from Legend who protested. "What wrong Time" Sky asked, seeing how shocked Time looked. "This sword is like one of my old swords. It was hard to even make it because it required golden dust which was hard to even get." Time said which shocked most of them not because of what it was made out of but because it might be the only weapon beside the master sword that might have survived after who knows how long. "It's best for y'all to get to the stable to let the girl rest, it about 7 miles north. You can't miss it." the hooded figure said before turning around. "Wait" Sky said the Hooded figure stopped "Yeah" he replied "What your name?" Sky asked. The hooded figure didn't answer for awhile before saying "Link" then left before anyone could say anything.

I'm not good with writing in 3rd person as you can see so I'm going to start writing in first person from now on.

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