Cold, Cold Heart (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"I- I can't do that. The head of security changed the codes and put the building into a secure lockdown, which can only be done at my office in Gothcorp," Ferris stammered.

"Then you better find out how to do it here," Fries warned. He aimed his Freeze Ray at Boyle.

You jumped on the back of Fries. You try to pull some tube out of the back of the suit, thinking it's for his Freeze Ray. It doesn't budge. Fries tries to get you off his back, but the suit doesn't allow for his arms to go that far back. You then tried your next best option, to break the glass on his helmet and knock him out. You repeatedly slam your fist against the glass, causing some cracks.

"Get off!" Fries yelled. He swung around, and you couldn't get a good grip on anything, so you went flying off of him. He turns to look at you.

"I figured you were here Sentinel. My fight isn't with you," Fries said with no emotion. "But now you force my hand."

He aims the Freeze Ray at you and shoots. You roll out of the way. You throw Shurikens at him, but they do nothing. Boyle tried to run, but Fries froze him before you could stop him. You run at Fries and jump. You land on his Freeze Ray, causing him to fall forward slightly. You then punch the glass again, causing more cracks. He punches you with his free hand, knocking you off. You land on your feet.

"What's with the suit, Victor?" You ask him, dodging a beam of ice.

"The incident at GothCorp altered my physiology. I need to stay in a subzero environment to stay alive," Fries answered, and shot ice at you.

"So the suit keeps you alive," you say, dodging the beam of ice. "I'm sorry that happened, but I still have to stop you."

"You can try, but nothing will stop me from reuniting with my Nora," Fries says.

You rush him once more. Instead of attacking, you jump over him, heating a few shurikens. You land and quickly throw the three hot shurikens. Fries faces you. Two of the shurikens missed. The one that hit him got stuck in the glass. One of the ones that missed hit Ferris and slowly began melting the ice. A curious look appeared on Fries's face.

"I can feel heat radiating off the shuriken. How did you do that?" Fries asked.

"Magic. The fire around me is magical, and allows me to stay warm and heat other objects," you explain. Fries looked insulted.

"What kind of a fool do you take me for? Magic?" Fries says and shoots more ice at you.

You dodge and yell, "What do you think the fire is?"

"I thought you used Pyroburst. The fire is acting just like it," Fries answered.

"Pyroburst? Is it made with RCC?" you ask.

"Stop playing dumb with me, Sentinel," Fries yelled. You run at him once more.

He aims his Freeze Ray at you but shoots at the floor instead. Ice quickly formed, causing a pillar of ice right in front of you. You panic and brace for impact, your arms protecting your head. You crash right through it. You look up to see a beam of ice shooting right at you. You keep your arms where they are and block the attack. The beam of ice pushes you back, and your fire begins to die down. You try and focus on keeping Flame Cloak on. Your fire begins to burn brighter and grows. Fries doesn't let up and keeps shooting. Ice begins to form on the ground in front of you, and the beam keeps pushing you back.

You get pushed back against some railing. Your fire grows hotter as you try to stop the beam of ice. Your foot then slips under the railing, causing you to trip slightly, and to fall. It's enough of a distraction, and your fire grows weaker. The Freeze Ray quickly overpowers Flame Cloak, completely killing it and freezing you. You scream as you are frozen in place.

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