chapter 5

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⚠️ sexual scenes, alcohol use.

Music was blasting from the radio in your room. Cho had invited a couple girls to your dorm to get ready for the party tonight. It took you forever to pick the perfect outfit for the night. The first party of the year so you were determined to make a great impression. Especially if Theo was going to be there.

You had a small blush whenever you thought about him. How only yesterday he had kissed you in this room. How he had smiled at knowing he would see you tonight. You tried to ignore the feeling you get when thinking about him. It was only a bit of fun, you tell yourself. 

“I love the black one Y/n” Cho says picking it from your pile of dresses now piled high on your bed. 

“I'm not sure” you hum. “It's a bit revealing” you bite your bottom lip deliberating.

“That's the point” she rolled her eyes, handing it to you. “At least try it on”. You do as she asks and try on the little black dress. It was low cut and hugged your figure. Accentuating all your curves. You stand in front of the mirror, examining it.

“That's definitely the one” the girls coo from around the room. 

“But it's not complete yet” Cho holds up her finger. She turns to your washing basket and grabs your tie. Cho puts it loosely around your neck so it doesn't affect the plunge neckline of the dress. “Perfect” she turns you back to face yourself in the mirror.

They were right. You looked incredible. Your hair was worn half up, half down with loose curls. And thanks to Cho for your makeup, you had delicious smokey eyes. “Well it's decided then” you smile down at yourself, grabbing your black heels and putting them on. 

You had all decided to be a bit late to the party. Everyone knew it wasn't good to be the first ones there. But joining when the party was in full flow, was a much better idea. As you finished getting ready you had a couple of pre party drinks. Enough to give you a slight buzz. Enough to make you ignore your nerves about seeing Theo. 

You could hear the thumping of the music from the other end of the corridor. Professors and perfects knew about this party and always turned a blind eye. Well, until 2am. Then it was always shut down. Students from all houses made there was down the corridor to the closed doors. The five of you walked towards the doors giggling from the buzz of alcohol.

Cho knocks three times and the door cracks open. The tall red head guarding the door inspects our ties before stepping to the side, letting us in. As predicted, the party was in full swing. Students were dancing, drinks were flowing and there were even couples making out already. 

“They aren't going to be here long” you nudge Cho to look at a particular couple. They were getting a bit too comfortable with one another. She giggles as we make our way across the room to the drinks table. You pour yourself a drink of fire whisky and coke before scanning the room. It was packed with people from all houses. Your eyes landed on the group sat around the fireplace on an array of sofas and chairs. The Slytherin's. 

Playing with fireМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя