Chapter 4

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You only had one thing in your mind the whole day. The memory on repeat in every class you had that day. Your notes made no sense as you kept on drifting in and out of a daydream. Your imagination running wild with the possibilities of what could have developed if Cho hadn't walked in on you and Theo. Did he lean in or was that just you imagining too?

Cho had apologised over and over again. Reassuring you that she will definitely knock next time. There was only so many times you could tell her nothing was going to happen.

“Good” she said “he's a Slytherin, not to mention who his best friends are” she warned you. “Maybe it was a good thing I walked in when I did”. You couldn't help but agree. Silently scolding yourself for thinking of what his lips might have felt like.

“He's always surrounded by girls anyway” Cho gestured to the Slytherin table. Where he was indeed, surrounded by girls. The new boys seemed to attract a swarm of girls fighting for their attention. You tried hard not to glance over at them but found yourself scowling. “You don't want to be another notch in his belt”

“Cho!” You rolled your eyes. “Nothing happened, we were just studying” you did want to believe the words that came out of your mouth. But there was no denying, you had a tiny crush on the handsome Slytherin.

You had your second defence against the dark arts lesson that week. You took your time getting to class for once, knowing exactly who you'll be in class with, not to mention who you sit next to.

“I'll see you at the end of class” Cho smiles at you as she makes her way to her seat at the front of the classroom. You take your seat, luckily Mattheo and Theo weren't there yet. Grabbing your books from your bag and stacking them neatly on your desk, you hear the chair next to you scrape along the floor. You take a gulp before sneaking a look at Mattheo now sat casually in the chair beside yours.

“Hey” a voice snapped your attention. You looked to your other side seeing Theo crouched down at the side of your desk.

“Hey” you smile, your cheeks going red at his handsome smile.

“So, I'm guessing we are still on for later?” He asked.

“Yeah, if you are still able to” you tried to act casual.

“Of course. I'm looking forward to it” he smiled. Your heart fluttered but you kept your face placid. You heard a scoff from beside you and Theo rolled his eyes at Mattheo. You didn't dare look.

“Find your own seat Mr Nott” Snape called from the front of the room. Theo gave you one last smile before standing up and going to his own seat. Your heart fluttered at his beautiful smile.

You focused on the front of the classroom or your book for the rest of class. Mattheo doing the same. Both of you not speaking a single word to each other for the full hour. It was slightly unnerving, sitting next to someone who was completely unreadable, he clearly has anger issues and doesn't seem very friendly.

To distract yourself you threw yourself into concentrating on the lesson. Focusing on Snape's every word. Although another distraction was sitting two rows in front of you. Theo said he was looking forward to tonight. You hoped he didn't expect anything to happen between you, but you also hoped he did. Merlin, your brain was in total overload.

As soon as Snape dismissed you, Mattheo stood up and left, waiting momentarily for his friends to follow. Theo gave you a smile as he left. Why did a simple smile make your legs turn to jelly?

Two hours after class you found yourself arranging your books and notes on your bed. You had gotten into an internal war with yourself over the whole situation with Theo. You wanted to kiss him but you knew it was a stupid idea. And what if he didn't even want to kiss you and you had read into the whole situation wrong, then you'll just embarrass yourself.

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