One More Dance? (Contestshipping)

Start from the beginning

I walked down the stairs carefully and then went into the living room to find my parents waiting for me. I had told them about the ball earlier but really wanted to show off my dress to see what they thought.

"It looks beautiful!" Mom said, "Any boy would be lucky to have a dance with you!"

My dad simply just nodded and smiled because he wasn't really into fashion, but at least that way I could tell he liked it.

Max wasn't asleep because it was past his bedtime, but I bet he would have liked it too.

I waved goodbye to both of them and then walked out of the house, clutching my dress to avoid myself tripping on it. Almost immediately, I saw there was a black limo waiting on the drive so I opened the door and hopped in.

Sitting next to me was Vivian Meridian, the lady who has hosted all of the Hoenn contests I have participated in the past few years. She was wearing a hot pink dress with a yellow cardigan on top and she clasped her hands together when she saw.

"Hello May, it's lovely to see you again!" She exclaimed, smiling happily.

"Hi Vivian! It's nice to see you too!" I replied and waved, my bracelets swinging around ss I did.

As the limo backed off of the drive and down the road, me and Vivian began chatting endlessly. To be fair, I haven't seen her in a while and we've known each other for a long time, so of course we are pretty good friends.

But there was one question plaguing my mind and I knew I had to say something...

"Do you know if Drew is going to be there?" I asked finally.

She was caught a little of guard by the question but then quickly shook her head.

"I haven't seen him yet, no that I have seen him in a while. You two disappeared so suddenly from the contests that all of us were worried sick!" Vivian replied.

"Oh," I replied, really shocked that was the case, "Sorry about that!"

We continued chatting until finally arrivng in front if the Lilycove Contest Hall. It looked so different at night, it was barely recognisable!

The taxi driver helped both me and Vivian put of the limo and then we began walking towards the big building together. Every step I took, I could here the pop music getting louder and I already felt comfortable.

We walked through the entrance and the first thing I saw was that then reception room was where this was being held. Everywhere I looked, I could see flashing lights, familiar faces raving together and really loud music.

Vivian walked off to join up with my sister and that then left me to look for people by myself. I wandered around but there weren't many people I recognised except for Harley and Brianna.

Harley is this really manipulative, androgynous guy who just really annoys thr hell out of me and has hurt me too much. He was standing in a corner with Solidad who I do like but don't want to talk with if Harley is there.

And Brianna is this younger girl who I did like at one point, but she was too whiny and annoying and fangirls about Drew too much. We both see each other as competition and I haven't spoke to her in a while because I just don't want anything to do with her.

More familiar faces started arriving and for a while I started hanging out with Lisia and Serena, two of my best friends. I did feel like a bit of a third-wheel though because those two definitely have a thing for each other, and I'm just stringing along and ruining any of their romantic moments.

I then started hanging out with Kelly who is another one of my good friends. She was providing the food with her mom because she makes really nice cakes and stuff.

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