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    Osara was standing on the bow of the boat, forearms draped over the railing as she stared out over the vast ocean. She had been traveling with Zuko and Iroh for a few weeks now. It had been pretty uneventful. There was not much to on a ship. She found her self spending most of her time outside on the bow, looking at the ocean. She had found out they were from the Fire Nation, and were away for a while. She didn't quite understand why, but she noticed Zuko was a pretty closed off person and din't pry.

    "So, why are we on this ship again?" Osara asked, as one of the crew members walked by. He made eye contact with Osara but didn't answer, ignoring her completely. Osara watched as he walked away, sighing as she turned back towards the ocean. She was expecting to look back to the beautiful sky she once just saw, but instead saw dark, storm clouds, rising over the horizon heading their way. She turned toward the dark, gloomy boat, heading inside to avoid the rain.

    Once she was inside, she headed toward her room. When Iroh asked her to come with them, she was given her own room. It wasn't a huge room, but it was big enough for her. There was a small bed in the corner under the window, a small nightstand by its side, and a small trunk for her possessions. She didn't have much, as all was left when she ran away over a thousand years ago. She owned a few items of clothing, they were already tucked away into her trunk and a few other personal possessions he had brought with her.

    Osara flopped onto her bed with a small sigh, closing her eyes as she curled into a ball, dozing off to sleep. She awoke with a loud thud on her door. She shot up, expecting her father to barge in. Once she realized where she was again, she relaxed, standing and walking to the door.

    "Yes?" She asked as she opened the door to see Zuko there.

    "Uncle wants to see you." Zuko stated, as coldly and blunt as ever.

    Osara looked at him nodding as she stepped further out the door, shutting it behind her. She watched as Zuko walked off without another word. She decided she would just find Iroh, wondering what he wanted to see her about. She wandered the ship looking for him, eventually finding him out on the bow, looking up at the clouds that have yet to rain apron them.

"Iroh?" Osara called out to him as she approached.

Iroh turned around to face her with a small smile on his face. "Yes, come."

Osara didn't question, she walked up to Iroh, standing by his side. Iroh reminded her of her mother, she felt a peace with him. He gave the same good advice as Taya, Osara's mother.

"I think it's time you know the reason we're on this ship..." Iroh stated, staring at the storm clouds out on the horizon. "This ship we're on has served us a great deal for a couple of years now. For the past three years Prince Zuko has spent his time traveling around the world looking for the Avatar."

"The Avatar?"

"Yes, the Avatar." Iroh continued. "Prince Zuko was banished from The Fire Nation, and the only way to regain his honor, is to capture the Avatar."

Osara looked at Iroh, intrigued by what he had to say. She never knew Zuko was banished. Maybe that's why he's always so grumpy, Osara thought. Opening her mind to new ideas was not foreign to her, she was used to being given new information all the time, but for once, she was shocked. She tried to hide it but Iroh saw right through her facade. He let out a hearty, deep, chuckle as he continued.

    "It's quite a story, one I'm sure he'll tell you himself, one day."

    Osara nodded, knowing that she shouldn't intrude someone's business, yet she felt drawn to know. She felt as if she had a right. She heard a deep sigh come from her side and looked up to see Iroh staring at the clouds.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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