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"Again", he repeated, pacing around the room, hands clasped behind his back, a stern and yet unreadable expression plastered on his sharp features. This was what Osara's life had looked like for the past few months. Tedious training, practicing and perfecting the basics. Her father, pacing around the room, always finding something to critique. Her form, her breathing, any unnecessary sounds or movements. This was life for six months of the year, training and studying the art know as fire bending. From the middle of June to the end of December, Osara spent her time in the Fire Nation with her father, and her spirit animal companion, Choryrth, a baby dragon.

Osara was in her father's training room for what felt like the fifth time today. She awoke at the crack of dawn, trained the basics, ate breakfast, trained some more, ate lunch, then returned to her training, until now. With dinner fast approaching and the sunset awaiting, Osara was determined to finish today with a spotless training session.

Her father seemed to agree. Yaizi , was his name. He was an admiral in the Fire Nations army, climbing his way up the rank day by day. He was an esteemed fire bender. Osara, who was in hopes to follow in his footsteps was training under his wing. James looked like a cranky old man, who had no definition of fun, but he really was a sweetheart. He had a soft spot for Osara but that didn't stop him from pushing her to her limits, time and time again. Like right now. Osara was sitting in the middle of their training room, fire surrounding her, blazing up and down at random, while she had to control her breathing. Easy, right? Yes, but to be a master at fire bending, you must harness the power from the breath, not the muscle, or so she was taught.

Osara didn't seem to mind her life here. It was all so different than her home back with her mother. In the Fire Nation, she felt alive. She could use her fire freely, and didn't have an over protective brother getting in the way of everything, or should I say everyone.

One of Osara best friends in the Fire Nation, just so happened to be a boy... which was every older brother's nightmare. Joruk*, was the poor fellows name, the target of Kosru's overprotectiveness. He didn't mind though, and neither did Osara. They had been close friends since Osara first staring spending half the year in the Fire Nation. Johnny was also a fire bender, son of a general in the army, a friend of Osara's father.

Just like any other day, Osara would convince her father to end training early so she could run off and be a normal teenager for once. She met Johnny at the central market, where they walked around, talked, joined up with other friends, and laughed. A good laugh, something Osara would not see or feel, for a long time after she left to return home, to her other home. Far away up north, in the cold frigid air of winter...

Up, up, and farther up north...

In the Northern Water Tribe, Osara practiced water. Her mother, Taya, was a master of water bending. A healer and spirit bender, she was. Teaching tons of younglings how to heal, and water bend. She personally taught Kosru, Osara older brother, and herself.

Osara was learning, and fast. Pretty soon she would have mastered water. Water came easier to Osara, it was the ability she bent first. She felt at peace when bending, and looked amazing too. Water was a gracefully yet a dangerous source of life, used for the good of the world. 

Fire on the other hand was more of a challenge. Unlike water, fire was harder to control. One wrong move and you could burn down a forest. You had to be disciplined, rigid, and ready for anything when it came to fire.  Something her father often taught her. Most fire benders didn't notice the difference between Fire and Water, but Osara did, as she could bend both elements.

Osara had the element of change at her hand, and the ability of power in her other. She would become an esteemed bender, but fate had other ideas in mind....

*The whole reason I mention Osara having a past best friend is it will come into play in later oneshots/chapters when she's building her relationship with Zuko.

A/N: Hello! This chapter was just a kick off, I'm trying to get into writing and feel kinda weird just jumping straight in without any good information! It's most likely the next few chapters will be filler like this, explaining things, but i also want some chapters farther in the future where I reveal more things, further explaining. With that being said, not everything will be answered right away! Thank you for reading! (I don't know how often I'll update since of school...)

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