Chapter Three

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You finish taking pictures once the boys walk off stage. Motionless is due on stage in 15 minutes so you all clear out rather quickly. Everyone rushes out so quickly, you don't get the chance to say anything to anyone. So, you head to Revivify's green room to show off the new pictures to your family. You walk in the door, and everyone smiles and yells their hellos. Myles hops up in excitement when he notices you've arrived.

"Well, if it isn't little miss big shot!?" He yells, giving you an enormous hug. "You looked like you had a lot of fun out there! It was so fun to watch!"

A few moments pass with everyone in the room exclaiming their pride and excitement for you. Alice pulls you aside once it quiets down a bit.

"What was going on, on that stage, Cassie?" she asks sternly.

"What do you mean?" You ask, almost responding as if she was joking about something.

"I saw that energy. I'm not sure I like it."

You laugh, trying not to blush as you realize she's talking about you and Noah. "Oh, Alice, he's a rock star that I literally JUST met... I'm not much of anything, so... Also, he was just being a good model and I was doing my job. We have good professional chemistry. That's all. He was very kind and helpful out there." You finish, trying not to think too much about it.

"Please, just be careful. You said it perfectly. He's a rock star... one you came in here fangirling over. Letting yourself get caught up in that can be extremely dangerous for your profession. I do hope he was just being friendly and helpful for your first time." She responds, looking over her glasses with concern.

"Alice, I am scared to death of him. I will be careful, trust me. Being around him makes me extremely nervous."

Just then, the door raps with a knocking and you both look away towards it. Bryan walks in with a big smile and greets the band before he sees you standing away from them all with Alice. You look at her as if asking if she has finished her talk.

"Go on!" She says with a nod and a smirk. You oblige and excitedly approach Bryan.

"Hey, Cassie! You sure looked like you were having the time of your life out there." He states.

"It was so much fun! Your band is so kind and helpful... I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to do this for you tonight." You respond. Everyone in the room has gathered around to listen to the conversation to show their pride and support.

"Well, we feel just as lucky to have you. The boys seemed to have enjoyed your presence up there just as well..." He starts, but you can tell he has more to say so you eagerly wait for it. "...honestly, Cassie, we might like to have you join us for a few more shows during this tour so long as Revivify doesn't mind sharing and I'm satisfied with the photos you took tonight. Oh, and if you're open to it." he finishes, raising an eyebrow and smirking. You get a twinge of excitement in your chest and try not to burst out with an answer. You look around at your friends for approval and you can see it written all over their faces. They can tell by yours that you want this incredibly bad.

"Cassie, you gotta do it!" Damie yells with excitement.

"Don't you dare turn that down." Myles exclaims, big brother style.

You see Alice smiling. She knows you're a professional and it's only in her nature to worry and be protective of her family.

You look back at Bryan with a smile and nod, not even sure what to say.

"Alright then, in that case, would you be open to hanging out on the bus with us for a little bit? I have all my gear in there to check out your photos."

DREAMER: A Noah Sebastian Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن