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"And that trophy, the one you used to -"

"Knock out an old woman," Jeremy puts in, helping himself to the roast potatoes.

"Defend yourself." Kate glares at him and turns back to me, holding out the serving bowl of carrots and green beans. "It turns out that the Man of the Year award is the very thing she used to kill her husband."

I shudder and spoon a few vegetables onto my plate.

"The lab found traces of blood -"

"We're eating," Jeremy reminds her, and Kate swallows the rest of her explanation.

"Anyway, they found the weapon, and now that Ivy's confessed it's all resolved rather neatly. Before my boss comes back, and just in time for Christmas!"

My two friends have decided to spend Christmas Day at my house, and I have to admit, I'm having a wonderful time, even with all the murder talk. Snuffy strolls into the kitchen, already quite at home here, and miaows at us.

"Your dinner is in your bowl!" I remind him, rising from the table to go check he hasn't eaten it all. He hasn't, but there is a tiny space in the center, so I shake the bowl lightly until the whole surface is covered again. "Here you go!" It works for about a minute, and he happily munches away long enough for me to return to my seat.

"Your new house guest is settling in well, then?" Jeremy remarks, pouring so much gravy onto his plate that his vegetables are swimming. "I never thought you were much of a cat person."

"Nor did I," I whisper, certain Snuffy will be able to understand me. I smile. "It's kind of nice, though, having him here. Makes the place feel a bit more lived-in."

"I notice you finally got rid of those divorce papers, too," Kate points out. "Or have you just hidden them out of sight of your nosy friends?"

"No, they're gone." I smile as I recall the weight that lifted from my shoulders once I'd signed them and submitted them to the lawyers before their offices closed for Christmas. "I can firmly draw a line under that whole part of my life."

"Cheers to that!" Jeremy's words are muffled by chewing but he still manages to salute me with his wine glass.

"And cheers to this!" Kate adds, lifting her glass. "You're making life your own, now, and it's going to be great." She smiles. "But here's hoping there are no more murders in the new year."

"No more murders!" Jeremy echoes, clinking his glass against Kate's.

I smile and agree, thinking that I've had enough excitement the past few days to last me solidly into the new year.

Snuffy finishes his meal and comes to wind himself around the legs of our chairs, hoping for some dropped scraps.

"I think I can look forward to a much quieter life from now on," I say, subtly dropping a piece of turkey for my cat to catch. "Just me and my cat."

"And your friends," Kate says, loyally. I smile at her, grateful that she and Jeremy are in my life, grateful that they are here.

"And my friends," I agree, taking a sip of my sparkling wine and thinking how much more enthusiastic I am about the state of my life than I was just a few days ago. I guess if there's one thing the death of Bill Barraclough has taught me it's to be grateful for what I have and to let go of the past. I'm not quite ready to count my ex-husband amongst the friends I'm grateful for, yet, but I'm a little hopeful I might be able to add Rob to the list soon enough. He's stopping by tomorrow to check on Snuffy and I'm planning on sharing some of the Christmas treats that are overflowing out of my cupboards. It's the least I can do to thank him for showing up and saving the day where Ivy was concerned. Ivy. My smile falters as I imagine the bleak Christmas Ivy Barraclough will be experiencing. And she brought it on herself, I reflect. I shiver, thinking how closely my trajectory had mirrored hers, and am grateful I've been given the chance to course-correct.

"What's wrong?" Kate asks, noticing the change in my demeanor.

"Just thinking," I say, lifting my glass for one more toast. "Here's to Christmas - a time for celebration and goodwill and being grateful for what we have."

Snuffy lets out a contented miaow and curls up underneath the table and I like to think he agrees with me.

The End

A/N - Thank you so much for reading this fun little cozy murder mystery - I hope you enjoyed it! Whilst I love sharing work here on Wattpad I have a bunch more stories in progress and projects I'm working on like this over on my subscription page - I'd love to see you there!


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