“No way!” Logan laughed. “So you got what, a detention?”

Seth only smirked in response.

Logan only looked more amused. “Suspension?”

“A week’s worth,” Nigel replied, making Logan and Collin giggle like school girls.

See, girls had their typical gossip and beauty stories.. whereas guys such as these praised each other for how much of a consequence they’d received for disobeying the school rules.

It’s sad, the world we live in.


Only one person would call me by my last name.

“What, Seth?” I asked in a bored tone when in reality, I was far too happy to have his attention.

“I’m out for a whole week.”

I nodded, eating a french fry. “I know.”

“Which meaans..” he began, leaning forward on the table on his crossed arms, “I’m gonna need you to do some stuff for me.”

I frowned. Oh, hell no.

“What? Are you high? I’m not doing any of your dirty work!” I immediately declined, but he didn’t take it. He wouldn’t stop until I gave in, I just knew it.

“Oh, don’t be such a drama queen. It’s not like you’ll get caught… unless you do as you’re told,” he said with a smirk.

“No,” I replied, my answer final.

“No, no, no. Nope. Huh-uh. Nyet. I’m not going to do what it was that got you suspended in the first place! Are you nuts?” I added before he could criticize me for being a goody-two-shoes.

This time it was Seth that rolled his eyes, except he made it look a lot less girly than I did.

“Live a little, ‘Kota,” he said, looking me right in the eyes. “If you do as I say, no one will even know it was you that did it. They’ll think it was me before I got caught. Come oonn,” he continued. He seemed to want this a little too much.

I frowned again. “Why can’t you ask Dusty to do it? Or Drake? Collin? Logan?” I started naming off people but he shot down all of my suggestions.

“You’ve went with me before. You know how it’s done. I don’t trust them to do things exactly as I say.”

I almost grinned like an idiot at that statement. Did that mean he trusted me to listen to him? Trusted me enough to ask me to do things for him?

And there I was. Blinded once more. What was wrong with me today?

They Can't Know I'm a Girl (OLD VERSION, not finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن