Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

Something told me to keep on holding her, even after she said those three words. Not the one's I wanted to hear. Especially the Louis part. I held in tears. My lips parted letting a couple of words out. "That doesn't stop me from loving you."

Blake, I could tell, was softly crying within my chest. Which only hurt. I didn't wanna see her like this. "I'm sorry, Harry." Is all she said.

"It's okay." I simply replied. Blake started to part off me slowly, and I didn't want that. "It's only about two more days your with me." Blake stared at me, but I spoke again. "Show me what love is?"

Blake looked down pulling me into another hug. "Yea.."

A bitter smile appeared upon my face. "May be the only two days I get to love."

Blake held on to me just a bit tighter. "Don't say that, Harry. Someone ol' love you, and they'll love you so much. That you would do anything for her."

I softly spoke. "I would do anything for you."

"Stop..." Is all she whispered sniffling. She was crying, and it was my fault? I slightly pulled away from her, all I did was look down at her. My made it's way to the soft skin of her tan colored cheeks. Pressing my thumb slightly down on her cheek, the tear swept away.

"Don't cry." I told her. "It makes me cry."

"Why is it that you can be so nice at times, then this demon like Harry comes out of you?"

"I don't know." Is all that escaped my lips, my hand made it's way through her tangled hair, letting it stop slightly above the crook of her neck. I pulled her towards me. Lips trembling in fear, and of how cold it was outside. I whispered, "Please, kiss me." Her cold like breath was felt above my lips and then it happened.

Our lips crashed, forming like a puzzle piece. Was I dreaming? Lips in perfect sync, tongues crashing at each other.


I woke up. With, Blake in my arms? It actually seemed like a miracle to me by this point. All I did was appreciate this moment, and pulled her closer. "I love you." I muttered, I knew she wouldn't repeat the words, but I meant mine.

"Harry, you have to get up." She replied in a tone that let me know how much sleep she got, none.

"Did you get any sleep?"

"Yea..." She lied.

"You liar, your just like a tiger." I say crawling above her, scrunching up my nose a tad. "Rawr." I say. Blake giggled. I leaned in, and kissed her. She allowed it, again? It was about the best feeling ever, no it was the best feeling ever.

Blake pulled away slightly smiling. "Go to your interview." She groaned flipping over on to her side.

"Fine." I chuckled getting up. I ran over to my clothes. Within a second, I changed. "I'll see you later?" I asked hoping for a nice ol' yes.

"Yesss." She said happily.

I left with a smile. "I can have a great interview then." With that I walked out.


I sat there only waiting for them to at least ask me a question, but I think I spoke too soon. "So, Harry there's a couple of pictures of you and this girl kissing over by the park. She your girlfriend?" The nice looking interviewer asked. No matter how hard I tried to concentrate on the good looking interviewer Blake popped into mind. "Harry?" She questioned.

"Huh?" I say.

"This kiss." She said showing me a picture. "Your girlfriend?" She questioned.

I just slightly smiled, my hand made it's way up to my lips. I fiddled with my lips. Just the thought of the kiss was amazing, but the actual thing was better. "Yea, actually it was the best kiss ever given to me." I shrugged. "Or at least the best one I planted."

"So, you two have a thing?" She asked.

I squinted my eyes and thought for a sec. Speaking in an assuring tone. "Yea, actually. We do have a thing."


I need to stawp writing short chapterssssssss ERRR MERRR GERRRD

You guys probably don't even read this . . . do you? D:

Should I stawp writing these little notes? :c

WELL AT LEAST I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER CAUSE FOR SOME REASON I DON'T EVEN KNOW . . . I think it was my favourite chapter ever out of all the stories I've written >.>

Bye Beautiful Llama's (;

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