Chapter 2

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 READ: I changed Chase's name to Blake...


I had my arm across my face as I flinched. Waiting a couple of seconds nothing happened and I looked away from my arm, the feeling of almost dying was cruel. The person got out of the car and walked over to me picking me up. "Are you okay?" I gentleman asked.

"Ya, just shooken up.......I guess." I reply wiping my shirt looking at the guy I smile. "Thanks." I tell him.

"For what?" He asked tilting his head to the side a bit.

"For, not running over me." I reply. The guy smiled and walked back into his car.

Waving goodbye with a smile I walked back over to the pavement and Logan had tears. I ran up to him. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"You almost died cause of me."  He cried.

"No, Logan no it's not your fault." Hugging him tight he hugs back. "Forget it, aight?" Logan nodded which made me smile. "Ready for some food?" I asked. He laughed and bent down signaling me to jump on his back.

Which is what I did, jumping on to his back he stood back up. Having my arms around his neck below down to his chest. Smiling I could feel the wind blow my brown hair back. Making it to my house Logan stood there with me still on his back.

Slowly taking my hand off his chest I turned the door knob open and kicked the door open with my feet that dangled. "Your home." My mom greets.

"Course." I reply with a nice simple smile getting off Logan's back.

"So brought you food."

"Taco's!" I yell.

"Harry's favorite food!" Logan shouts. I stopped and looked at him with my eyebrows scrunched together. Shaking my head he laughed. "Something I learned today..." He replied.

"Ah." I say. Walking over to the kitchen I grab some taco's and shove them into my face. "Food." I mumble to my self.

But Logan just had to hear what I said......"Shut up." He says. Sticking my tongue out at him he does the same. "So, you don't like One Direction?" Logan asked.

"I never said I didn't, I just don't listen to their music..."

Logan chuckled and took a bite from his taco. Taco's man their good right? "So, uh about how long again till you leave?" I ask.

"About two days, tomorrow I'm going to like do this stuff."

The thought that we were parting away hurt. "Oh."

"Yea, so I better go get some sleep." He replied getting up from his chair. Just wishing I could stop him I couldn't. He walked over and just planted a kiss on my cheek. "Bye." He simply said with a smile and wave.

"Bye..." I whisper. My mom came over to the kitchen table after he left the door. She had her face stuffed with taco's.

"So, how them taco's?" She asked.

"I want chicken now."

My mom walked over and sat int he chair Logan was just sitting in. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"Logan and I are parting." I reply.

"He's got a job." She replied. "Maybe we could, fly over to some concerts he works at."

"Maybe..." I reply.

"Cheer up, got school tomorrow."

"Do I ha-"

"Yes, you have to go now get some sleep." She sasses at me. I roll my eyes, putting the dishes in the sink I walk over to my room that was just up the stairs. I groan and decide to go to the guest room down the hall. Letting my self fall on to the bed just felt soft.

My phone rang, taking it out of my sweater pouch I look at it. 'Unknown' sure, I answer knowing who it most likely was. "Go away fuck heads."

"Oh c'mon give me a blow you whore." Every day of school was like this, just worst things you could get called. I just wanna be one of those people that doesn't let hate get to them, but I'm not so I have to deal with it. Hanging up I throw my phone to the other side of my bed. Under the covers I go as I fall asleep.

Logan's POV

Running just to get to my job in time this morning I basically almost killed my self by getting in a cars way. Running into the building all of the lads stared at me along with the workers. "We saw you."

"Saw me what..." Right now I literally had no idea what they were talking about at least the rest of the workers.

"Naw were kidding with you." They replied, my heart that had increased went down.

"Well, work?" I asked.

"We need someone for Harry." One of the guys whispered in my ear.

"So, a set up?" I questioned.

"Yea, know any girl that like loves him or something."

"Naw, I don't hagn around girls much."

"Oh really? Well, if you have a girl or find one bring her we'll see, and if you do get a girl you have your self a year off." My eyes popped to 'year off'.

"Second thoughts I have one. She's perfect you'll love her. Alright be right back with her. Consider it done."

"Alright it's settled we'll use her and no other." I smiled and ran off, Blake she's totally perfect for this.


I just wrote chapter two! ;D

You know the drill, if you don't do it no more story c:

Bye babes c;

Cold Hearted (One Direction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang