memo. 01

18 1 0

"Who's that..?" I muttered, looking around my bedroom in cautious and fear, there was a figure in here; standing in front of my desk just a moment ago — something is wrong, just too wrong. I awakened by a weird noise from the outside my door room at 22 p.m., there was another being in this house.. but, my parents aren't at home right now; they're at my grandparent's house, they told me to take my pills before went to bed early like every single day, sometimes having insomnia it's sucks, it makes me saw something I shouldn't, like: seeing  inanimate objects wiggling or seeing shadows moving around my bedroom, the ceilings was moving as if it was made of tiny little static cells.

But, I guess it just my stress and delusions made it up one more time like the other time. So I stretched my back, and slowly pulling the blanket up then I closed my eyes, drifting off into the slumber again.

Yet, there's that individual standing in my room again, but this time he stood in front of my bed watching me sleeping.

Lee's journalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora