001: 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙙'𝙨

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Earth, Mars and venus were both playing cards in mars orbit as earth's moon right beside earth like he always, just watching the three terrestrial play cards with each other not paying attention to what they were talking about as earth's moon, Luna just gazes off at the abyss of space, zooming out of reality and into his thoughts.

While Luna was lost in his thoughts as he gazed out to space, the three terrestrial talking with each other about random stuff until Mars told the two other terrestrial planet's, "hey guys, did you noticed the sun has been acting.. weird?. He hasn't been shooting out solar flares for a while" mar's said looking at Earth and venus who were thinking about what he just said and both just noded in response also now noiceding that the sun hasn't been shooting out solar flares or being the loud and crazy sun he is.

It's been.. oddly peaceful in the solar system after the celestial bodies were now able to go back to their original orbit from the sun changing it, "now that you mention it, yeah he has been acting odd for the past month" Earth said raising his eyebrow up in confusion, the three terrestrial planers thought for a while as venus looked over where mercury was, who seemed to be drawing on his notebook in his orbit and venus got the perfect person to ask, as he yelled out to mercury. "Oi Pipsqueak!, come over here for a second. I got a question got ya" venus said in his usually low aggressive voice, mercury flinched from Venus loud voice and thought for a bit before going towards where earth, mars and venus were at.

"Uh.. yeah venus, what is it.." mercury asked nervously as he looked up at venus who was bigger than him and seemed a bit Anxious by venus but tried not to show it, "Alright Pipsqueak, you know how your the closet to the sun.. why has the sun been acting not himself?" Venus said looking down at mercury staring right directionly at mercury eyes as Mars and earth came right beside venus. "Yes I am the closest to the sun.. but I actually don't know why the sun has been acting weird but.." mercury said as he looked back towards the sun who was facing the other side so only leaving the celestial bodies to be faced at the sun's back.

Mercury looked back at venus and the other two terrestrial planets standing beside venus, "I don't know much but I've heared sun.. talking to himself? Or.. he's talking to someone but I'm not sure" mercury said in a low voice so only the three terrestrial planets in front of him could hear and hearing this earth, Mars and venus were now curious about it and wanted to know more but that's all mercury knew, "well right then, thanks for telling us mercury. You can go back to what you were doing" Mars said to mercury as earth and venus noded in response, mercury smiled a bit and started walking back his orbit to get back to drawing on his notebook.

"Hmh.. who else could we ask, who would know what the sun is doing?" Earth asked to the two who thought for a bit until Mars once again spooke up. "I mean Jupiter would probably know about it? Since he's has been here for the longest then any of us" Mars said looking at the two as venus spoke up.

"Yeah but.. can we first finish playing cards then we can go ask Jupiter" venus asked as the two terrestrial planets agreed and continued playing cards...

"I'm so glad I can talk to you [.....], the other planets I've talked to you about just don't listen to me the way you do.." the sun said in a cheerful tone with his creepy smile at [.....] who returned the smile back.....

665 Words

Written in Wednesday, March 27, 5:17 am

── 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙃𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙩 ── || solarBalls fanficWhere stories live. Discover now